03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Open Education · Categories: News · Tags:

It fits to detach here the question of the pleasure and displeasure, therefore Freud also came across with the qualitative question of the sensations and ideas. Which would be the motivation of ours action? What it would make to prefer such or which thing or idea? Freud answers to these questions relating the classroom Omega of neurons to the displeasure, therefore this would be the factor that puts Phi and Psi in movement, stimulating the system to the fulfilment of its primary function, that is ‘ ‘ zerar’ ‘ the stimulatons for the survival of the organism. Therefore for a system that desires the rest, any stimulaton is considered displeasure and must be ‘ ‘ escoado’ ‘. Soon, we perceive that Omega transforms amount into quality through the intensity and regularity of the stimulatons, that in this case are conscientious. Freud becomes original when it approaches a philosophical question and it of the science characteristics and reorganizes the hierarchy of the passions, in the measure where it attributes importance to the displeasure, had here as all and any stimulaton, as the factor that the machine puts into motion human being, different of Hobbes and Condillac that attribute to the desire and to the pleasure this function.

Conclusion Leaving of the beginning of that all the human being it thinks and that the end biggest of the life is the happiness, we have then gnese of the thought based on the sensations as point of convergence between Hobbes, Condillac and Freud. However Hobbes and Condillac attribute the happiness to the necessity of pleasant sensations, in Hobbes the desire already put into motion the human being, in Condillac the pair pleasure/displeasure become the man capable to choose what happiness brings it. Both the philosophers will give base to the studies of Freud on the functioning of the mind and this goes to enxergar in this notion of passional life what it unbalances the nervous system, that stops being well necessary of rest. Freud then almost brings a conception of happiness that inexistent, therefore to live for it is a pack, since never we are free of stimulatons, lives in constant discomfort, only when exempting in them of the stimulatons we will be happy, that is, never will be happy while still alive, because as Freud the goal of the psychic device is the death, when will occur the end of all the stimulatons. In this perspective, we will find mitolgicas figures of Eros and Thanatos gifts in these philosophies constituting the paradox of the life human being and for which we can look salvation in ‘ ‘ espelho’ ‘ , that it configures the matrix of cure of the psychoanalysis based on the old motto of the temple of Delfos ‘ ‘ Mesmo’ knows you it you; ‘. Bibliographical references BOCCA, F.V. Passions and psychoanalysis: modern dimensions of the nature human being.

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