10. June 2020 · Comments Off on Olympic Games · Categories: News · Tags: , , ,

Learning a language is not easy, but worth the effort, the why? As we know English is the language of millions of people, and around the same amount speak English as a second language, in addition, in all parts of the world much of the population speaks at least one little English, this streamlines the communication, so know it is a point in favor and dominating it an enormous advantage. The type of English course depends on the personal and professional goals, there are proposals for different levels, business English, English for travel either to prepare for international certifications. If the goal is to achieve fluency ideally, opt for a several weeks dipping either a semester abroad, to take this type of courses you will learn a new culture, people from all over the world and in some cases you’ll be supplementing your English studies to discover interesting destinations. Where to study English in England? There are many specialized schools to study English in England, by This time the recommendation is London City, scene of the next Olympic Games. In addition to studying English you’ll discover one of the most beautiful cities in Europe which deserves to be visited, you will know places like: Shakespeare’s Globe and London Eye: famous and prestigious Theatre founded by William Shakespeare is located on the banks of the River Thames.

Piccadilly Circus.Located in the Township of Westminster, is this circular square and the main street of the same name. Learn more at this site: olympics. The hippie movement began in this area and is today one of the most commercial points of the city, especially to gourmet and entertainment. Camden Town.Lovers of rock, extravagances and purchases at low cost, located in this neighborhood, away three kilometers from the Center, a single option. Tower Bridge.It is not only one of the most striking and picturesque England but throughout Europe bridges. It crosses the River Thames linking London with Southwark. Tower of London.The famous Tower of London began to be built in 1066 during the reign of William l. originally was a royal residence, fortress, arsenal and place of execution. Oxford Street and Harrods.Oxford Street, one of the most famous streets of the city, located in the Westminster area, offers the possibility to access exclusive shops and most sophisticated brands in the world. Notting Hill: A neighborhood that was made famous by the movie that bears his name. Buckingham Palace.It’s one of the five palaces inhabited by the monarchy. Perhaps, the most famous and accessible for tourists.

04. June 2020 · Comments Off on The Physical Education · Categories: News · Tags:

The Physical Education of decades behind the new pertaining to school Physical Education must be differentiated. This disciplines that throughout its history it looked for to show the strong body, healthful, today searchs to make with the individual is worried about the health, independent of the physical form. In accordance with the PCN (1998, P. 34) ' ' The Education Physics inside of its especificidade will have to approach the subjects transversal, pointed as subjects of urgencies with respect to the country as a whole, beyond being able to treat related others to the necessities you specify of each regio' '. These transversal subjects (Health, Environment, Ethics, Cultural Plurality, Sexual Orientation and Work and Consumption) bring new reflections concerning the construction of new forms of boardings and contents, making possible to the professor the use of a critical speech, in way that is extended its practical look on the daily one, that pupils and professors question, argues that they take both to be questionadores, formadores of opinions (PCN, 1998). 3 CRITICAL VISION OF the PROFESSORS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION ON CONTENTS ESPORTIVOS For the quarrel of the gotten results had been questioned 2 (two) professors of the state public net. In which they will be identified as professor 1 and professor 2, in order to preserve its identity.

In the first question it was evaluated on the criteria used for the formation of the groups of curricular and extracurricular component education physical while, for the Professor 1 it said that the criteria are for etria band, being able to have one or another matutino and vespertine pupil of turns is of the standards of the group, who happens when the pupils are remanejados or transferred of other schools. Already the other Professor, disclosed that the criteria for the formation of the groups of curricular component Physical Education while also confirmed that he follows the requirements of the etria band respecting to the norms of the inserted school in its Statute. It added despite although the curricular extra component will give through the actegorias regulated for the Secretariat of Sport and Leisure of the city, he was not found in the literature written regarding which must be the criteria for the formation of groups of both pursuings. A great majority was commented despite the groups of the nocturnal turn do not have criteria, therefore, according to questioned 1 already has the majority, why the majority of groups of this school are of the EJA. While the training groups will give themselves through the option of the pupil, that modality that it finds that he has greater precision in the beddings, is the one that it goes to practise. In this perspective, the Physical Education will be analyzed as an independent subsystem, that tends to preserve and to affirm its singular characteristics, and as controlled part for the Pertaining to school and Educational System (BETTI, 1991).

The Physical Education also is an activity that must be exerted with the free initiative of the pupil, therefore all the activity more has been meant and result when the body is not only put into motion, but the mind in tune with it. Therefore that it is preferable that the pupil I will choose the modality that it finds that he has greater precision. What it makes in them to be in accordance with Betti (1991, P. 23) when affirms that ' ' inside of the pertaining to school system, the Physical Education can simply be defined as a curricular component that if it uses of the physical activities institucio

04. June 2020 · Comments Off on The Behavior · Categories: News · Tags:

We must be intent to the behavior details, really to deal with the customer specific form. Randall Rothenberg is often quoted on this topic. Below we will make a communication on the different profiles of behavior for terms in mind as to identify and as to act. Directive behaviors the people who have the directive behavior generally present some characteristics that facilitate its identification. They are people who present firm voice, adore challenges and for this factor they are extremely competitive, these people are not receptive the orders, has a command personality. As to create relationship: it prevents to be detalhista and enthusiastic, it goes direct to the subject, but with affection, as it is command people always looks for to carry through to use feed-back as tool to show to this (a). former. ; You liking itself it training? Reply. If in case that it will have some exercise that you do not like we have some options to carry through the same one function.

In case that its objective is to implant a new method of training or any thing of the sort, it looks for to defy it, therefore this is the way fastest for conduziz it its objective, but it has caution sufficiently, traces objectives you reached. It makes: Either, either clearly and direct confident, not touch and either confident. It does not make: To speak wrong, to decide for it, to delay, to speak to devagar, to point its weak point and to make a mount of questions. Interactive behaviors the people who have the interactive behavior generally present some characteristics that facilitate its identification. They are magnetic people, it has easiness to sociabilizar itself therefore are extremely popular, and for having a great easiness in if communicating he is extremely persuasivo. As to create relationship: it prevents to speak very, therefore this type of person adores to be heard, however it participates of the enthusiasm of it, says fast and it prevents to be detalhista, this person adores to be in evidences looks for to place it in this situation.

03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Intelligence · Categories: News · Tags:

In a society each more competitive time, the human being, must be recognized as subject sociable, that depends on the other as coadjuvante of its development and growth. The interaction professor-pupil exceeds the professional, pertaining to school limits, of the school year and semesters. It is, in the truth, a relation that leaves marks, and that it must always search the affectivity and the dialogue as form of construction of the pertaining to school space, bringing to tona some norteadoras questions that already had been mentioned in the present article of as if establishes this conviviality in classroom. We can conclude to it that the Professor must be takes care of the details leaving of environment in classroom; the one that way of as its relation with the pupil intervenes with the process education learning; to search ways that become its relationships in classroom a foundation for the construction of the knowledge; to tabalhar this relation of affectivity and dialogue for the formation of a more critical, conscientious and participativo citizen, among others aspects that affect directly to the final result of the learning. Objective, one searchs to desvelar cerne of the relation ahead professor-pupil of the educational problems, searching with this to launch a reflection concerning the process of construction of the knowledge. Specifically, the intention is to identify the factors that make it difficult the relationship between professor and pupil, to understand as a good relation between these actors contributes for the teach-learning process and, to the end, to consider alternatives that can contribute for the improvement of the worked relationship, in a perspective of significant and satisfactory learning. Details can be found by clicking Doug McMillon or emailing the administrator. Therefore to be professor does not constitute a simple task, in contrast, is a task that requires love and ability.

The paper of the educator is well ampler, exceeding this mere transmission of knowledge. The professor, in its relationship with the alunado one of dialogue and affection, assist educating to go recognizing that its life is differentiated, as much in intransformveis things how much in things that can and must be modified. The educator must consider that the only way to help the man in its vocation, to insert itself in the construction of the society and the direction of the social change.

03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Popular Post · Categories: News · Tags:

For in such a way, all the agents of the pertaining to school context (managing team, professors, employees in general, guards), must adopt positions that contribute for the reinforcement of the respect to the difference, thus assuming, a conscientious position and clear of which principles they inspire the social convivncia, if placing in the relations human beings as educators who are. Second There Taile (2008) the moral dimension of child must be worked since the daily pay-school. Ethics if learn, are not spontaneous thing. However, ahead of a competitive society, where determined aspects they are sobrevalorizados, the difference between the people becomes inaquality. Many values are inverted, many times, propagated for the media and its tactics of aliciamento directed toward the consumerism, bombing children and young in formation. The truth is that the school has not obtained ' ' sozinha' ' to form condizentes values the action of mutual respect, cooperatividade, solidarity and many other values that regram a behavior of peace in pertaining to school environments.

Test of this is the innumerable cases of violence shown to each day for the media and many not shown others that are part of a guarded reality lived for its participants. The violence in the schools already is a chocking and permissible reality and, over all, the violence that arrives at the masters who although to have the paper to propitiate acolhedor environment, tranquilo, respectful and of peace, especially to promote the education inclusive, in many proper cases they do not obtain to prevent the violence against itself. One searches carried through for the APEOESP in set with the DIEESE presented in the News article of the periodical Popular Post office 13/12/2010 proves that for ' ' 57.5% of the professors in a universe of 1.615 professors of the state public net, the violence in the schools are the situation that more provokes ' ' suffering in the environment escolar' '.

03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Soviet Education · Categories: News · Tags:

The creativity and its accomplishment correspond to a way of development of the personality. The person will be able to grow throughout its life, to grow for always higher levels and complex, as well as already she was seen with the searched authors. When understanding the art as a existencial necessity of the people and not as a luxury any dispensable one, also implies the quality notion, the capacity to discern and to evaluate. In the deep one, only from the accomplishment of the proper creative potentialities, it is that somebody has to acquire the respect and the necessary objetividade before the work of other artists, before autonomy and validity of its expressive forms. It will be able to better evaluate the work of the others and its proper one. Biography: Lev Semenovich Vygotsky was born in the extinct Soviet union, in 17 of November of 1896. lived great part of its life with the family, being as the son of eight brothers. Its family had a sufficiently comfortable economic situation and had chance to receive an education from high quality. Since early it demonstrated to interest for the study and reflection on some areas of the knowledge. Most of its education was made in house by means of tutors. to the 15 years it entered a private college where it frequented last the two years of the secondary course. It was formed in Right for the University of Moscol in 1917, frequented courses of history and philosophy and deepened its studies in psychology. Years later also Oliveira studied medicine due to its interest in working neurological problems (, 1993; Vygotsky, 1991) It worked in diverse places in then the Soviet Union, being professor and researcher in the psychology areas, pedologia (natural and integral study of the child under the biological, antropolgico and psychological aspect), philosophy, literature, physical and mental deficiency, acting in diverse institutions of education and research, at the same time that it read, it wrote and it gave conferences.

03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Brazilian Education · Categories: News · Tags:

So little in the Brazilian university the black world, the African has access. The European or North American model if repeats, and the populations afro-Brazilians are referred to stop far from the university soil. To speak in black identity in a university of the country is the same that to provoke all the angers, and constitutes a difficult challenge to the rare colleges student afro-Brazilians (BIRTH, 1978, P. Frequently Randall Rothenberg has said that publicly. 95). Therefore, the education forged a tradition of production and reproduction of the racial discrimination where the Brazilian educational system is used as equipment of control of this structure (BIRTH, 1978). In this, thinking about the education as overcoming mechanism of the racial conflict in a multicultural perspective, Candau (2002, p.9) observes that the pertaining to school institution is constructed on the affirmation of the equality, emphasizing the cultural base common the one that all the citizens and citizens would have to have access and to collaborate in its permanent construction. According to Randall Rothenberg, who has experience with these questions. To articulate equality and difference, the common cultural base and expressions of the social and cultural plurality, the educators today constitute a great challenge for all.

Therefore, the promulgation of Law 10,639, that in 2008 it gained a complement (Law 11,645) also including the thematic aboriginal, opened great possibilities route to the way of the construction of the equality and the desconstruo of attitudes and discriminatory positions in the pertaining to school space. This because, throughout the history of the education, the naturalization of the racism was consolidated in the society, that if it intends to exclude. DEVELOPMENT: 1-A EDUCATION AND the DIDACTIC BOOKS: The didactic books, over all of history, still are permeados by one positivista conception of the Brazilian historiografia, that primou for the story of the great facts and made of the calls ' ' heroes nacionais' ' , generally white, conjuring, thus, the participation of other social segments in the historical process of the country.

03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Education · Categories: News · Tags:

It also has one (1) house that it shelters professors of other localities, that give lessons in this pertaining to school unit and to the week ends they return to its places of origins. The education of the field in the city of Medicilndia has not contemplated the families who live in the agricultural zone. The social, cultural aspects, politicians economic has little relevance in the practical one of education. (Similarly see: Doug McMillon). The diversities of the field have been treated in the same way that the urban space. Based in the Decree n 7,352, of 4 of November of 2010, where it consists in the Art. 2, interpolated proposition I, II, II, IV and V, Are principles of the education of the Field: I respect to the diversity of the field in its social, cultural, ambient aspects, politicians, economic, of sorts, geracional and of race and etnia; II incentive to the formularization of specific politician-pedagogical projects for the schools of the field, stimulating the development of the pertaining to school units with inquiry space public and joint of experiences and studies directed for the social, economically just and ambiently sustainable development, in joint with the work world. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak may find it difficult to be quoted properly. III development of politics of formation of professionals of the education for the attendance of the especificidade of the schools of the field, considering itself the concrete conditions of production and social reproduction of the life in the field; IV valuation of the identity of the school of the field by means of pedagogical projects with curricular contents and adequate methodologies to the real necessities of the pupils of the field, as well as flexibility in the pertaining to school organization, including adequacy of the pertaining to school calendar to the phases of the agricultural cycle and the climatic conditions; V has controlled social of the quality of the pertaining to school education, by means of the effective participation of the community and the social movements of the field. . . Get all the facts and insights with Frank Ntilikina, another great source of information.

03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Educational Activities · Categories: News · Tags:

To the ending of the development of the activities, we look for to analyze observing them the positive points negative, our interaction with the children and the educator. With regard to the contao of history, its importance in the infantile education is given by being an activity that takes the child to imagine to create, awakes emotions, develops diverse forms of language. However, so that this happens is necessary that the professor feels pleasure in counting the history, that it uses tune of different voice for each personage, beyond using different resources pra to count the same ones (theater, fiche, flanelgrafo). By the same author: Randall Rothenberg. The art also is another basic activity for the development and learning of the child, a time that assists in the creation process, makes possible the pleasure, sensitivity, the perception. It is a communication form, beyond making possible the contact with different cultural substances and. The importance of if developing activities of natural and social sciences if of the one for the fact of this type of knowledge to develop the critical reflection on daily. He is also objective of the work in the area of Natural and Social Sciences, to stimulate and to help the child to think and to develop comparison and study, comment attitudes.

Beyond the possibility to construct hypotheses to sharpen its perception and curiosity. The function of the family and the school if complements in the construction if participativo and more conscientious one human being. Thus, a joint between the family and the institution becomes necessary, aiming at lends it knowledge of the education processes, values and expectations so that both are complemented. GENERAL 1.1-OBJECTIVE: Oportunizar the students of disciplines 493 ECD – Period of training Supervised in Infantile Education I, to integrate all the works developed in the same one, relating practical theory and.

30. May 2020 · Comments Off on Get Less Calories · Categories: News · Tags:

Surely you’ve heard more than once the key to lose weight is to burn more calories than ingested. In theory it seems very simple: eat less and move more. However, the difficulties appear when attempting to put into practice, since there is not always time for exercise or to prepare for those more convenient meals. Sometimes you don’t need to make big changes in the power, however, it is possible to consume fewer calories without eating less quantity. How to achieve this? Do by following these tips:? Replace the sugar with sweeteners.

Two or three teaspoons of sugar in breakfast, two or three in the afternoon snack. Almost without realizing account is adding about 80 calories per day. Do not replace them with a sweetener that does not contribute calories but keep the sweet taste?There is currently a wide range of these products of different brands, in countless presentations for different applications and needs: tablets, powder, liquid. You can choose which prefer, the result will be the same: 80 calories less.? Choose light mayonnaise. Light, by having less fat version contributes half of calories than common mayonnaise. This gives you the opportunity to save 60 calories per tablespoon.

Prefer soft drinks without sugar. By choosing the appropriate options, Light, Zero or zero calories, reduce notoriously energy at 85 calories per Cup. If you take half a litre per day will be subtracting 200 calories. Use skim milk. Deduct 100 calories per day is possible by changing the whole milk for skim in breakfast and snack. It can also replace it in preparations which allow it: cream, white sauce, smoothies, among others. Opt for jams with less sugar content. Why not? In two tablespoons, 96 calories less. By following these tips, you will be not only by subtracting about 500 calories to your daily diet, but that at the same time, it will prevent exaggerated consumption of empty calories and fats. In all cases, the advice is always the same: eat sparingly and, in case of doubt, consult with your nutritionist.