16. May 2020 · Comments Off on Polynesia Body · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Therapy Pinda Sweda naturally relaxes and gives a feeling of lightness and freedom, harmonizing the general condition of the body. Ayurvedic therapy Prana – life force. Therapy Prana – a unique technique of deep relaxation, an integral part Ayurvedic treatments. This ancient holistic massage energizes, heals and balances the entire human body – body, mind and emotions. Emotional and psychological disorders are the cause of disturbances in the body and may eventually become chronic. It is therefore important to find and maintain balance. Visit Doug McMillon for more clarity on the issue. The first step toward physical and emotional health – a balance of man. In carrying out the massage is applied special elixir of balance in life LuceAura, which gives state welfare body, mind and emotions, promotes cell oxygen saturation, increases the body's immunity.

Prana – a source of vitality and energy body. During this massage under the guidance of the wizard you will learn to breathe a certain way, that will calm the body, mind and emotions. Prana therapy with the elixir Luce Aura gives "breathing" (new life), brings ease and comfort. Michael J. Bender often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Prana therapy application makes it easy, with a vivid effect to achieve stable results in the programs of aesthetic face and body, improve your mood and the unaesthetic changes to remove the body (edema, obesity, cellulite), the cause of which – the daily fatigue and stress. Prana therapy promotes relaxation, recovery of all organs and systems of the body, increase immunity, detoxification and normalization metabolic processes. Massage is a day to maintain the overall condition of the body.

This is the only massage technique, which is assigned to postreabilitatsionny period to increase the internal strength of the body and enhancing recovery processes. It can be used not only in programs of aesthetic face and body, but during meditation, martial arts and therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Prana therapy is used in all aesthetic and therapeutic procedures for face and body. Therapy JamuthaiPolinesian – Princess Flower." Therapy Jamuthai was born a few thousand years ago in Polynesia and is still used in some regions of Indonesia and Polynesia. Therapy Jamuthai was used in ancient times the royal houses of. Java to prepare the bride for the wedding ceremony of King. Has therapy daily for 40 days, the women of the future princess of the family to spend time alone and to share with a young girl with his wisdom and experience, to convey proper upbringing of the future queen. Jamuthai Polinesian – elegant ritual of face and body, which allows you to reach deep sense of balance and tranquility, evokes sensuality. The unique technique is aimed at achieving a high aesthetic result. Has a powerful anti-cellulite and modeling effect, improves blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, relieves muscle tension, back pain, flexibility of joints. Jamuthai Polinesian – Therapy beauty and happiness to the skin. Polynesian salves, powders and oils on the basis of rare plants Orient improve color and texture skin, saturating it with oxygen and nutrients, a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect in different types of aging. Enter the world of enchanting scents and unusual sensations Polynesia … Allow yourself the luxury worthy of a princess – beautiful body, radiant skin and great posture … Prepared beauty salon Beauty Shop Kiev downtown, Str. Zhilyans'ka, 55, (044) 537-06-90, (050) 469-68-06, Kiev, Rusanivka Boulevard, Davydov, 3, Tel.: (050) 355-95-49, (044) 295-51-61

16. January 2020 · Comments Off on Useful Properties Of Bani · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Sauna, Russian steam bath – one of the best ways to reduce fatigue, relax and rejuvenate after a hard work, both physical and umstvennoy.Poleznye properties bath Influenced by hot steam improves physical well-being, sleep, appetite is reduced or disappears entirely emotional stress, or disappear depressive disorders. Benefits of steam baths, saunas for the vast majority of people is undeniable. Warming up leads to a beneficial change in the functional state of organs and body systems, increase metabolism, contributes to the development of protective and compensatory mechanisms. This is explained by the favorable impact of of heat and sweating on the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary, endocrine system and the thermo-regulating in most people. Bath improves the skin, soothes nervous system, restores vitality, improves mental ability. (Similarly see: Walmart CEO). Bath, sauna helps to relax perfectly, vostonavlivatsya after serious physical activity (sports or heavy physical labor).

Recently, the pair are increasingly beginning to be used to improve physical and mental health, prevention of various diseases. Doctors believe it is important to the habit of visiting the sauna (sauna) dates back to childhood, has become an integral part of right living. Dangerous enemy of health is obesity. In the prevention and treatment of this disease (as a disease!) You can use a bath, combining it with a visit unloading diet and / or with active pursuits fizkulturoy.Komu not sweating bath, sauna, great benefit to most people, but there are some contraindications to its visit, and some lying in wait opastnostey unwary bathers. Remember them to get from the sauna is not harmful, but for the benefit zdorovya.Kak properly steam bathhouse procedure – is a science with its own rules and laws. Only strictly observing them, you get from visiting the sauna a real pleasure and benefit. Pay attention to the peculiarities of the Russian bath and a Finnish sauna, steam them in need for a bath raznomu.Venik Broom – a key element of the hovering, particularly in the Russian bath.

Broom can be made from various plants, each of them has their own, unique to the organism. It is important to prepare properly and on time and skillfully use a broom to them. Additional benefits of saunas provide medicinal plants that enhance the therapeutic, healing effect sauna. As is known in medicine for a quick introduction into the body of drugs used by aerosols. The medicine is sprayed into air, it enters the lungs and the bloodstream immediately. In the steam room, 'Misled' on the rocks infusions of various plants, just to give curative sprays.

30. December 2019 · Comments Off on Starvation And Cleansing · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Many people who have great interest in natural methods of healing the body, have tried or are going to try fasting. The attractiveness of this method of cleaning and treating the body is obvious: fasting does not cost anything, do not to spend money on expensive drugs, do not make the often difficult asanas of hatha yoga, no need to concentrate, as in auditory training. The authors of popular books on fasting 'prescribed' it for the treatment of virtually all disease, obesity beginning and ending cancers. At the same time they did not confuse the fact that medicine has not yet been recorded at least one case of cancer cured by fasting. Frequently Sam Mikulak has said that publicly. Well, then, that to lose weight with the help of deficiency can only for a short period of time, has long been known, but somehow still persistent view of the fasting as a cure can not be canceled.

The harmful effects of starvation (induced) is well studied. No need to look far for examples: the prisoners of German concentration camps, the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad – witnesses to the dangers of fasting for health. For some reason, followers of fasting do not want to know the negative side of this method, only positive. What causes hunger: 1. A set of mass. The fact is that after the glycogen stores are exhausted, and it happens in a day of fasting, the body begins to take him out amino acids, that is, starts muscular dystrophy. Fat, of course, also lost in the process of starvation, but just imagine about 20-40% weight loss has on the proteins.

After the end of fasting will take place of muscle fat, unless hard not to play sports. 2. Poisoning organism decay products. The body can not cope with the withdrawal of all the resulting starvation of toxins. Hence, headache, weakness, dizziness … In addition, during fasting ketones are formed, occurs acidosis. 3. Deteriorates the brain. For the brain needs sugar. Not so long ago, an American professor has conducted studies and concluded that sweet Coca-Cola enhances mental human ability and that students who are addicted to sweetened drinks, learn better. His advice to drink more soda have met a hostile reception from the fact that sugar is bad for your teeth. 4. Development of atherosclerosis. During fasting the body continues to use its fat and protein does not arrive. Formed low-density lipoprotein. They who are responsible for the development of atherosclerosis.