14. February 2012 · Comments Off on Processes · Categories: News · Tags: ,

The development of social consciousness is not only an increase in embodied knowledge, but above all a constant from generation to generation increase of subjective knowledge society of individuals forming. The process of objectification of subjective knowledge precedes the process of subjectification of objective knowledge – the acquisition of an individual part of the accumulated knowledge society, based on which the individual self in the process of research can acquire new knowledge. The possibility of acquiring new knowledge by the individual on any issue is determined not only his intelligence, but also the possession of accumulated human knowledge on a particular issue. Therefore, apart from the processes of learning individual consciousness and objectification of knowledge – Processes that determine the progress of the "society – nature" – is incredibly important to the progress of this system, especially for the speed of its course, is the spread of the extracted knowledge by individuals. Since this process is, moreover, that itself is a process of direct development of social consciousness, it also creates a basis for further discoveries by other individuals. And the wider the spread of knowledge, ie than more individuals involved in the process of development of social consciousness, the greater the rate of progress of the "society – nature." The activities of individuals in which the discovery of new knowledge, their objectification and distribution, in which the development of the system "society – nature," always aims to meet their own needs, even if it is concern for the needs of other people. Therefore, the source of development of social consciousness, the source of progress of the "society – nature," is to develop a dialectical system, which is the basis of ontogeny of an individual.