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Evidently, the phenomenon of the intertextualidade is on to? world knowledge? , that it must be shared, that is, common to the producer and the receiver of texts. The dialogue can occur in diverse areas of the knowledge, if not restricting only exclusively literary texts. Article presented as requisite partial for the attainment of the note of disciplines Literal Lingustica, under orientation of the teacher Allan Andrade Linhares. Academic of block VI of the course of Portuguese Full Licenciatura in Letters/. The reading is the historical determination of the significao processes, therefore who reads produces sensible from definitive description-social conditions.

For being the text produced from the description-social position of the author, it is clearly that it will print, conscientious or unconsciously, in its workmanship, marks of its ideology, culture and reflections, thus, one of the basic points in the exploration of the text will be to take the reader to perceive these marks left for the author. To the reader it must be shown that the scienter of the author does not appear only in thematic the boarded one, but also in other excellent points of its writing, as personal conclusions, syntactic construction, used lexicon, among others. The writing will represent cognitivo confrontation and associate to the reading, since so that the writing, historical process, either well definite and clear, need formularization and confrontation ideas, these gotten in the readings of world, among others, thus acquiring necessary and forceful lexicon for the formalizao of the writing, this that will start to be the visible and argued material of the carried through readings. Thus joining intrinsically the reading and intertextualidade, resulting in the literal production. The reader must be directed, but never induced in its process to give sensible to the text, so that if the risk it of a particular appropriation of the significao of the text does not run impediz and untied writing, giving molds to it and guiding its to know.