20. July 2013 · Comments Off on Higher Education · Categories: News · Tags:

Nowadays, young people relates to higher education is not very serious, as most after graduation at a loss secrete a diploma and are just looking for a job not in the specialty for which they studied. First you need to determine for themselves – what do you expect from life. Hurry with a choice should not be, because it affects the whole subsequent life. Everything around talking about the necessity of higher .Est certain standard: school, college, work to graduation you receive a diploma, which is a light at the end of the tunnel! (This is only a theory). Recently, the formation of influence and money svyazi.Seychas education is not at the best level. Higher education has a value only a diploma. Conclusion: It is better to go to work and gain opyta.A later just go to the correspondence form in vuz.A practice and theory will give more (I think) than just a theory.

14. July 2013 · Comments Off on Important Met · Categories: News · Tags: ,

With many things about the girls as well … And that the "only" probably for a long time there, but because of their distorted beliefs, with more imposed by society, we do not notice and do not want to accept gifts fate. Why is this happening? The trend goes to the fact that the main reason for the fear. Fear of rejection in society, in a circle of relatives and friends. Very often people choose a pair for myself, but as it is paradoxical no sound – for society. Drain all the prejudices and soberly assess themselves and their capabilities, drop the fear of "public" and go! Now we'll go all the important questions in order …

B Where to find it? / B First, I will answers visitors a good forum: I at the lecture. His first impression: "In fact, a very pretty girl." Mine: It's the only cute guy on the stream. " He sat with me, that's' not letting go so far anywhere from a':-))) A 2nd class from, we studied together, he was in love with me, and I was not paying attention. Out of school and age 5 are not met. And then he called me, met. And after 4 months were married. First met in an Internet neuda4no and forget about each other, and then came to me in the city and saw each other after the third meeting we were married my husband in an SMS chat met. And he was a Muscovite, and I'm from the province. We went to visit each other six months, and then he said – tired, it's time to get married …

07. July 2013 · Comments Off on Spain Franchise · Categories: News

The study was conducted in accordance with the requirements specified by the Spanish Association of Franchisers (AEF), and even by the Spanish legislation (Royal Decree 419/06) in its consideration of bound duty-free, and has seen only those franchises that meet simultaneously the following three conditions: – Submit a global dimension in their chains of at least four business units. – At least two of the points of business chains are franchised units. – Have started their expansion franchise for at least two years. consulting mundoFranquicia just produced the report "Franchising in Figures 2009", which states in our country there are 823 franchise companies, 84.4% of national origin (695 channels) and the remaining 15.6% from other countries ( 128 networks) -. Of these 823 banners, 388 (47.1%) belong to the service sector, 313 (38%) of retail activity, and the remaining 122 (14.8%) to the catering sector.

Taken together, these firms account for 61 702 operating stores, of which 11 173 (18.1%) are owned by the central and the other 50 529 franchised work (81.9%). By sector, utilities are those that add more stores, with a total of 32 644, which combine for 23 553 dedicated retail brands, and 5505 with the restoration. Turnover Turnover u reaching the franchise system in Spain, at year end 2009, was 19,635,851,452 euros. This figure represents approximately 9% of the turnover of retail trade in our country. u The sector of the hospitality / restaurant was the most turnover in 2009, to 6246.7 million euros, followed by food, consisting of 20 channels with a turnover of EUR 2170.3 million, and travel agents with 31 brands and a turnover of 1,356 million euros.