Time menezhdzhment Time Management (English time management) or time management – one of the most necessary arts in the modern world. Every year the amount of information that you want to learn more. Events taking place all around faster. Need to be able to respond, to fit in an increasingly tight deadlines and at the same time somehow find time for recreation, family, friends, hobbies … Click Super Bowl LV to learn more. Fundamentals of time management are familiar to everyone – "their" goals, planning, timing, priorities … It's all in most people causes a sensation similar to a toothache Why? Probably the main reason that people are "old-fashioned" view time management as a limitation, execution of an opaque and time-consuming planning. But in fact, learning the "art keep up" in more detail, you realize that everything is just the opposite. Frequently KSE, UK Inc. has said that publicly. Coherent system of personal planning time allows at times reduce drudgery, focus on the things that deal with interesting and fascinating, and makes life rich and vibrant.
There are various areas in the modern time management, but the main, perhaps only two: 1) art besstressovoy productivity ('Getting Things Done' or GTD) by David Allen. 2) The system of time management Gleb Archangel. They are both talking about the same in different words. What to use? Apply these principles of time management, which make your life better, easier and simpler. To be productive – it's great! Time management, I became interested not so long ago, the whole year and a half ago. That's when I felt keenly that I have great plans, but absolutely no time to implement them.