Its economy is come back toward agriculture with the culture of beans, maize and cassava, the cattle one with bovines, goat ovinos and, the predominant vegetation is caatinga and the ground is dry. In the City it possesss 54 schools divided for nucleus, adding itself 17 nuclei, (5) five schools are of Basic education II (6 to 9 year), ademais of Basic Education I, a Particular School with Infantile Education, (2) two Polar regions of Average Ensino and more two extensions of the same education. The present project will be developed in the Municipal School Dom Avelar Brando Vilela, situated in the Av. Antonio Carlos Magalhes, s/n, center, Rafael Jambeiro-BA. This school was established in 21.05.1990, is the biggest school of the City with 1,100 pupils approximately registered, functions in the two turns: diurne Basic Education of Nine Years (6 to 9 year) and nocturnal with offers of Adult Young Education of e. The body Administrative Technician is formed by a director, three vice-directors, a coordinator, a secretary, two public agents, the faculty is formed by 63 professors, the support staff is added approximately in 30 components (storekeeper, administrative, agent technician of computer science, doormans, librarians, assistant of services, merendeiras.). The school is composed for 15 classrooms, a library with a rich and multiple quantity, a canteen, secretariat, room of the director, room of the vice-directors, room of the pedagogical coordination, room of computer science, bathrooms for pupils and employees, deposit, a small patio and a external area.
Not it possesss squares poliesportiva, nor audience. 7. OBJECTIVES: 7.1. Generality: Promover in the pertaining to school environment not prejudiced attitudes showing to the origin of the ethnic relations racial gifts in the state and city where it inhabits, making use of the literary knowledge gifts in books and the culture of a people through studies, research, readings, productions, among others didactic-pedagogical activities, with intention to mobilize the sense critical-reflexive valuing and assuming the identitrias expressions afro-descendants.