In this business article of erklauter Alexander Fufaev his cardiovascular of needs. Say: how is the Homo sapiens need processing behaves. The needs have a tremendous impact on us, the society, the Earth and are the big bang of the economy. The larger the population, the more needs there; the impact is greater. The need is a derivative of the accident, a longing for a feeling expressed in experience or object of desire.
Where the feelings (emotions) requiring always an object of desire or something intangible and are happy consequence. Happy result, because there are only needs to happy-making sensations! Types of needs according to degree of difficulty through the constant development of benefit products, new products, as well as by natural and political reforms or revolutions (and other phenomena) caused new needs. Since not all the Earth, but only a certain these changes Region of concern, the luxury, culture, existence needs are defined differently. For a person, a sailing yacht would be a need for luxury, for the other person, a luxury yacht is still never experience encountered so that she may not have a need for sailing yacht. We can then develop a need if priori, we have seen the object of desire. Respectively: the priority is used differently in an individual.
(Not existing clean water has a greater priority than a non-existent yacht). Aposteriorische luxury needs are accessible only to a relatively small group of financially and politically powerful people and only out of the experience. For the region, a sports car luxury, for the other region is a democracy. Aposteriorische culture needs can be satisfied by any average citizen. For example a car, vacation or a computer would be in Germany. Until (usually) by satisfying the aposteriorischen culture needs aspired luxury needs. Illusory existence needs are apparent culture – or even luxury needs. You are not essential to life and have an addiction – due to an emotionally intense habituation.