14. June 2020 · Comments Off on CLOSE ENEMY Research Violence · Categories: News · Tags:

The STYLE OF the SORT NEWS ARTICLE the style of a text mentions used language to it, to the set of resources lexicons grammatical used in the production of a text. The relation enters the interlocutors of the speeches, the degree of proximity or distanciamento between the same ones is factors that determine the type of language to be used, formal or informal. For example, in the news article to follow: CLOSE ENEMY Research sample that in each ten women who suffer violence are attacked inside of house. A survey of the secretariat of health of state of So Paulo, made on m1.286 violence cases domesticates, registered in the state between January and May of this year, points that 75% of the victims are women. In the majority of the cases 67.8% – they are attacked by partner (husband, friend or boyfriend) e, in 70,8% of the times, inside of house.

In only 18.2% of the cases, the violence happened in the street and in 19,3% it was committed by strangers. NBA does not necessarily agree. ek more information. The form of more common aggression is the physics (59%), followed for the psychological one (18%), the auto-inflicted one (13%) and the sexual one (5%). The victims of the analyzed cases have between 20 and 39 years. The fact of the majority of the criminals to be the husband or boyfriend denounces inhibits them. ' ' She always had that history of not wanting to put spoon in fight of husband and woman, but the people have denounced more, knowledge on the rights and the law Maria of the Penha. They are most informada' ' , Marisa Sanematsu evaluates, of the Patrician institute Galvo. The domestic violence does not choose color, race or social condition. It is a drama lived for people of all the types In Brazil and the world. In the September start, the former-athlete Robson Caetano attacked the woman during a quarrel.

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