08. February 2020 · Comments Off on Education Pupils · Categories: News · Tags:

The young education of adult EJA consists in a sufficiently complex historicizao that contributes for the presence of many illiterate people or with low escolarizao. Learn more about this with Ed Bastian. In this direction, she is necessary that the educators deepen its knowledge on the Education of Young and Adult to lead the process of letramento of these pupils with sights the reading. This involves an independent conception of education that contributes for the formation of more critical readers and who make social use of the reading, with transposed practical sights to the social ones for the classroom. In accordance with linguists and historians of the language say, it are the half essential lingustico of the human beings, of this form, in what the verbal production of the pupils of the EJA says respect the function of the professor is to stimulate them it discursiva production, showing them with positive commentaries on its speak. Thus being, the professor informs to the pupils the importance of the writing, clarifying that, when registering a thought by means of writing, it will last in the time having crossed great distances, therefore the writing has that to obey to the certain rules and organization.

According to PCN (2000 P. 22) the school cannot guarantee the use of the language is of its space, but it must guarantee such exercise of use in its space, as form of instrumentalizar the pupil for its social performance. The professor exerts important function in the process of sociocultural insertion, therefore he comes of it the attitude to promote, in the pupil, the interlacement enters the knowledge of world and lingusticos. Therefore, the objective is to bring reflections concerning the paper of the education of Portuguese Language for the effective insertion of the individual in the seio of a society scholar. In this context to think about forms that make possible these pupils to be felt enclosed in its proper learning is of essential importance.

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