To the ending of the development of the activities, we look for to analyze observing them the positive points negative, our interaction with the children and the educator. With regard to the contao of history, its importance in the infantile education is given by being an activity that takes the child to imagine to create, awakes emotions, develops diverse forms of language. However, so that this happens is necessary that the professor feels pleasure in counting the history, that it uses tune of different voice for each personage, beyond using different resources pra to count the same ones (theater, fiche, flanelgrafo). By the same author: Randall Rothenberg. The art also is another basic activity for the development and learning of the child, a time that assists in the creation process, makes possible the pleasure, sensitivity, the perception. It is a communication form, beyond making possible the contact with different cultural substances and. The importance of if developing activities of natural and social sciences if of the one for the fact of this type of knowledge to develop the critical reflection on daily. He is also objective of the work in the area of Natural and Social Sciences, to stimulate and to help the child to think and to develop comparison and study, comment attitudes.
Beyond the possibility to construct hypotheses to sharpen its perception and curiosity. The function of the family and the school if complements in the construction if participativo and more conscientious one human being. Thus, a joint between the family and the institution becomes necessary, aiming at lends it knowledge of the education processes, values and expectations so that both are complemented. GENERAL 1.1-OBJECTIVE: Oportunizar the students of disciplines 493 ECD – Period of training Supervised in Infantile Education I, to integrate all the works developed in the same one, relating practical theory and.