31. May 2020 · Comments Off on Fibromialgia · Categories: News · Tags:

These patients, when submitted the exercises, they do not show reduction in the aerobic capacity, even so exists a bigger effort during the practical one. (1-7) The tried amount of pain is related to the level of physical condition, and patients with fibromialgia are generally physical and aerobicamente badly conditional. Moreover, studies of the sanguine flow in the muscle had demonstrated that the muscles and other fabrics in fibromilgicos patients suffered from hipxia.

The lack of ability to contract the muscle efficiently suggests an ability lack to execute of adequate form one definitive task. The patient ones generally become badly-conditional as resulted of the limitation of its exercises in function of pain or the fatigue. (1-7) The reduction of sleep, temporarily would increase the fatigue, what in turn it reduces the will of if exercising; on the other hand, the exercise lack reduces the amount of sleep repairman. Both, the reduction of sleep and the inactivity reduce the release of the hormone of growth with probable repercussion on the protein synthesis. (1-7) This sample that the improvement of the aerobic capacity in the exercises is not the main objective in a program of treatment for fibromilgicos. (1-7) The importance of an adhesion in the program of aerbicos exercises, shows in the long run for the patient resulted beneficial, since a protocol for a treatment session does not exist, being able to vary the activities inclusas, the time and the intensity (walked in the mat, ergometric and swimming; 2 or 3 times per week; 30, 40 or 60 minutes).

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