23. August 2020 · Comments Off on General Tube · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Nasivent tube plus is the innovative development of Nasivent tube, one of the most successful anti snoring resources worldwide. That in Germany by ENT doctors developed anti snoring Central Nasivent leads to a significant reduction of noise caused by this most forms of snoring or completely prevents snoring. In most cases, snoring is caused by a wrong breathing when sleeping. The Snorer breathes through his mouth and generates so loud snoring noise. Nasivent tube plus at bedtime in the nose goes. It gently expands the front part of the nose, the so-called “nasal valve”, and thus significantly improved the airflow through the nose. The sleeping more breathing through the nose, snoring is quiet or stop entirely.

This is the newly developed Nasivent new tube plus combines three innovative improvements that tube make more effective and more enjoyable to wear the product compared to the classic Nasivent. Thanks to a completely redesigned, slightly tapered shape, Nasivent adapts tube pus even better the nose shape on. Two small holding cones, stop providing additional, wearing make even safer. A fall out while the night is almost impossible even in fitful sleep. For the production of NASIVENT TUBE PLUS is a new certified medical-grade silicone used that is used in the surgery the material is soft, highly elastic and flexible. Nasivent tube plus providing a high wearing comfort. MORE than a successful ANTI SNORING agent Nasivent is used increasingly in the treatment of respiratory problems. As the volume of air that can pass through the nose is higher with Nasivent many times, inhaling through the nose becomes easier and improves the oxygen supply to the body.

Many can, breathe, right again for the first time thanks to Nasivent after years. There is a significant increase of well-being and increase of the efficiency. Nasivent plus is available in four different sizes, suitable for all nose shapes. We advise always is in the Doctor advise prior to an ear nose and throat, because not all forms of snoring are harmless. It comes to breathing interruptions during the night of the so-called sleep apnea, an ENT should be consulted be sure doctor. Application areas of insomnia, snoring, (Ronchopathie) nose breathing problems in General and activities sports in the exercise of, due to a tight entering the nose (nose input stenosis).

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