30. March 2020 · Comments Off on Higher Education · Categories: News · Tags: , , ,

I found this interesting article about higher education in Colombia, which was written by Mr. Sergio Clavijo, and which allow me to reproduce by this means. 2002-2009, The gross coverage increased from 24.2% to 35.5%, implying an expansion of enrolments of 57% (570,000 new students), see economic commentary on August 23, 2010. However, when making international comparisons we see that we are still quite behind in Colombia, because so far we peep at the media coverage of Latin America (35 per cent), but we are far from those observed in Uruguay (64.3%) or Chile (52%). Colombia also appears behind in levels of specialization. According to the Ministry of national education (MEN), only 3% of students belongs to the level of specialization and 1% to the masters. Please visit Comedian if you seek more information. Doctorates have tiny share of 0.1%.

Indeed, while in Chile and Brazil with doctoral studies are professionals of 15 and 50 doctors for every million inhabitants, respectively, in Colombia only we get to 2 (see economic comment of June 16, 2009). The network of indicators of science and technology Iberoamerican and inter-American (RICYT) reported that the number of graduates at the doctoral level in Colombia was only 98 professional, figure reduced front of Chile (395) and Argentina (746). Hence the importance of improving the capital human with access to study abroad, where Colciencias, Icetex, DNP, Banco de la Republica and Colfuturo have been playing a central role. Noteworthy, in particular, the efforts of the Colombian private sector itself through Colfuturo, entity that has been able to exploit synergies with the Government and multilateral. According to its most recent report, Colfuturo (2010) succeeded in 4,100 professionals, of which 801 have inclined doctoral studies benefit.The number of beneficiaries per year has increased significantly recently, thus: 499 in 2008, 735 in 2009 and 1,025 in 2010. United States concentrates the largest number of Colfuturo students, with 21%, followed by United Kingdom (22%) and Spain (9%).

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