03. August 2018 · Comments Off on In Brazil · Categories: News · Tags:

It is observed that the contextualizao in disciplines of chemistry is something that is not so easy of being carried through, therefore depends, mainly, of the purchase of reagents, would vidraria and minimum equipment so that the experiments and its measures are processed. Queiroz (2004) analyzed a group of pupils who had participated of programs of scientific initiation, in the chemistry area, comparing with the respective learnings and observed that he had few works published for them. Also it informs that the research does not search to establish &#039 directly; ' to make cincia' ' ' ' to understand cincia' '. Exactly with these problems, it concludes that the participation in scientific projects brings one ' ' aculturao' ' to the pupils who better learn the scientific language and the strap of the mesmice in concluding a theoretical course without many practical laboratoriais. The curricular grating of the pupils who attend a course Licenciatura in Chemistry or Physics is well lesser that pupils of the course of respective Bacharelado. Why to continue with this grating, a time arrives in port that it of bigger knowledge is more productive for the development and agreement of the situation-problem to be surpassed? It is also observed that the number of you discipline they take that them to the laboratories also is reduced, what finishes bringing one discourages greater in practising laboratories as regent of the pupils of average education.

Many times, the number of pedagogical chairs finishes surpassing the techniques, mainly for being you discipline that they do not bring expenditures with reagents and maintenance of equipment. Zanon (2004) informs that the necessity to have a bigger incentive to the professors who want to make a perfectioning in the knowledge take that it to improve the quality of education are indicated as with priority by the great educators of the world. In Brazil, however, to leave for a program of perfectioning in after-graduation, for the professionals of superior education, still is seen as something unnecessary and dispendioso.

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