16. November 2020 · Comments Off on Internet Madrid · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

Madrid allows tourists and immigrants feel at home. In this article you aim some tips to make you always feel close to yours. If you have recently arrived in Madrid, surely will have many concerns: finding an apartment that meets your expectations, find the cheapest way to call Morocco and locate restaurants where you can taste the authentic flavors of your country. In fact, it amaze you discover that a so castiza as Madrid City boasts proud traces of mudejar architecture, untimely witnesses of an ancient blend of cultures. Today, the madrilenian streets continue expressing the Moroccan stamp, especially some of the streets that you move for a few hours to that world that you know well. Ray Clemence brings even more insight to the discussion. Technology immigrant Moroccan immigrant life is characterized by developed between 2 places between 2 times although it is easy to feel at home in Madrid, there is always the need to be in contact with the country of origin for different routes such as: newspapers, Television, Internet and telephony.

With these roads many immigrants may be informed of the last hour of his country; they seek: News politics, sports news, gossip, videos on youtube of successful programs or curiosities of the country of origin and recipes in your country, this is a way to keep in touch with the community they left behind. But more importantly, attending family events in a virtual manner either by electronic mail, calls, or messages. Some ways to engage the much-desired communication with family is through these supports stars: international calls with different operators video calls with Skype email electronic SMS via mobile social network Msn and yahoo Messenger messages by Blackberry, Imessage or Whatsapp Videos from Yotube Facetime’s Apple Oovvo which is an application for mobile or computer that allows you to initiate video calls simultaneous with up to five people at the same time. For all this, undoubtedly the collective of immigrants in Madrid is one of those who more benefits have had with the evolution of new communication technologies in the last decade, this being an ally to them, a key factor so that they sit in their community of origin, actively participating in events and family daily decisionsbecoming a digital immigrants 24 hours a day. Madrid is a great city in which you can find everything from ethnic restaurants in shops specialized in products of almost all the Nations of the world. Also it will be very easy to call Morocco to stay in touch with your family through SIM cards prepaid which can recharged directly from the web.

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