12. March 2013 · Comments Off on Lord Jesus · Categories: News · Tags:

I did everything I could with faith in the Lord Jesus. I grew up, I matured, I stood, I walked, I helped, I worked, I prospere. But your case may be this one, perhaps your year just ended was not so good, can seem you took no advantage so much time, which were too many trips and the miscues, that you feel the same or worse in terms of your spiritual maturity. Perhaps you tried to get to the end of the year in victoria but you could not. Some are naively trying to the last weeks of the year remedy or achieve goals desperately and they pray to enforce before year’s end the truth is that this rarely happens. Whatever your stock of the year that happened, this new time that begins must be literally new, the question you have to do is this: is this a new year for me? Don’t allow your year to be only the continuation of old and bad stories. While the calendar will inevitably change, our internal calendar must also change and it must be a new time, a new beginning, because although it has been good as we live equally things have to renew, we have to go for more, things that God has for us are new and surprising, let’s use this slogan: No to stagnation. It is an excellent moment to propose us a great goal: begin again with wit and wisdom of God.

Tips practical to start year: I give you a few tips that my particularly have served me and have given me good results. The first thing the Bible says that the Lord grants our heart’s desire but before that says also delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37: 4 first thing is also a delight in the Lord, first thing is to love God, be with him, put him first in our plans and in our whole life.

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