The Boxer cardiomyopathy: discovered the gene responsible for the disease the University of the State of Washington (USA) has announced that veterinary sucardiologa DRA. Kathryn M. Meurs has discovered a genemutante in the Boxer breed that causes a type of heart disease may be fatal in animals and humans. This disease, commonly called the Boxer cardiomyopathy, or mascientificamente ARCV (arrhythmia of the right ventricle of the heart) is widespread in the American Boxer and has caused numerososproblemas and dislikes on the other side of the ocean. Cause fainting in animals and sudden death at any age, many young animalesmuy times.
The issue is not studied in the European Boxer, aunqueafortunadamente does not seem to be evidence that points to that they suffer from deeste problem, or at least not at the magnitude that happens in the American Poblacionboxer. This is extraordinary news for positive implications has in terms of the future of the Boxer and his upbringing and also, above all, by the enormous importance that the discovery It has elavance of the study of this disease in humans. This is one of neurogenerative that causes sudden death in humans, most known for loscasos that occur between athletes. Dr. Innovo has been working on this issue since the end of losanos 90, and has evaluated and compared thousands of DNA sequences deboxers affected and healthy until you find the mutation in the generesponsable.
The laboratory of Dr. Innovo is about to get a desu discovery patent and it is estimated that in one or two months will be available a genetic test that will allow to know if a dog esportador of the gene in question. The price of the test is calculated querondara the $70. The sponsor of this study over the years has been lAmerican with the support of the American BoxerClub Boxer Charitable Foundation, so you have to acknowledge the extraordinary work that hanllevado out year after year to get funds to hanpermitido to Dr. Innovo develops its work. A great success and great news.