12. June 2024 · Comments Off on New Customers · Categories: News · Tags: ,

CRM (Customer relationship management) – a system of customer relationship management believe that the center of the whole business philosophy is the customer and the main activities are the measures to support effective marketing, sales and customer service. One of the basic principles of modern management, which lies at the heart of all successful business strategies – a customer focus. Ford is a great source of information. The software allows you to end sorientirvatsya consumer. Maximum satisfaction of all requirements and expectations of customers generates a positive image for the company that maintains a decent reputation in the market, which is conducive to the competitiveness company and allows it to confidently face the future. CRM system to support the required business objectives include collecting, preserving, analyzing information about customers, suppliers, partners and internal processes of the company.

Options to support these business objectives include sales, marketing, customer support, quality management, training and professional development of employees, recruitment and staff development, management of personnel motivation. Technology to support CRM initiatives must be integrated as part of a customer-centric strategy. Practice shows that 20% of the company's loyal customers generate 80% of her earnings and the cost of acquisition New customers are often greater than 5 times the cost of servicing existing customers. In addition, studies of various companies show that reducing the share of customer churn by 5% leads to an increase in profits from 25% to 85%, Depending on the specifics of the business. To date, the company building a long-term relationships with customers, retaining customers, increasing the share of regular customers is a strategic objective for business. The company's mission – to attract customers and keep them, ie to stimulate repeated purchase. One of the modern tools for solving this problem is the system of customer relationship management or CRM – software accounting clients.

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