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The IT industry is entertaining and money alone binds it specialists. Burghausen, 08 November 2013 – the IT industry is entertaining and money alone binds it specialists. Motivation and performance in the job are directly related to the employee’s satisfaction. IT employees who are promoted with continuing education, are motivated, inspired to more power and even forego a salary increase. Additional information at Rafael Nadal supports this article. The new study of ppedv AG comes to this conclusion: “As training opportunities affect employee satisfaction?” Why, why, why? “We wanted to know, whether and how the motivation of employees is affected by education.” says Sina Melchin, HR managers at ppedv AG.

Approximately 1,200 employees were given the opportunity to study online Germany wide by IT departments from different industries. The result is hardly surprising: training motivated. In figures, this means: the average satisfaction of an IT employee ahead of a training course at a value of 3.8, which indicates a satisfactory satisfaction in the workplace. A company offers employees targeted further education measures, and it performs employee satisfaction on a value of 4.1 rises (where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest value). Expectations of a further education the needs and expectations of workers are individually differently pronounced. Basically, it can be however said that everyone would like to pull a better qualification and the maximum benefit from an employment relationship.

This following expectations of the light came the anonymous online survey: expectations before training by training more skills and knowledge 100.00% 95,20 more motivation 21.40% 26.20% salary increase 11.90% 0.00% more satisfaction 23.80% 20,20% productivity increase 53.60% 42.90% better target achievement 38.10% 29.80% workload 25,00% 9.50% surprising is the expectation of the much sought-after IT specialists with a raise target to: Before the training, nearly 12% want a higher salary after training resolves to air this financial endeavor and falls to a value of 0%. Companies that offer continuing education opportunities and actively integrate them into their corporate culture, save in the long run. But long not exhausted the potential of training as a motivating factor. (A valuable related resource: Roland Garros). Each company must themselves think about how they both win new recruits and drive longtime collaborators, value and long term bind want. “, so Hannes vinit, Board member of ppedv AG. The full study can be requested free of charge under. Dolores Daxer ppedv AG, Marktlerstr. 15B, 84489 Burghausen FON: + 49-30-201430-42 phone: + 49-30-201430-42 fax: + 49-30-201430-43 call: + 49-30-201430-43,

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