As there still is something to do with the dream figure, the members betrayed the Advisor community. Munich, 08th April 2009: It’s the same dilemma every year: the holidays are soon gone and what remains is the one or two kilos too much on the hip. This is evident at the latest when looking in the mirror of the dressing room. Cut the floral summer dress. Chocolate, cake and roast have left their mark.
This must be no reason to panic, the Advisor community proves with an extensive selection of different tips for losing weight. Here a list of the ten most original suggestions: Tip # 1: fitness exercises on the stove: the up – and down – rocker on the tips of your toes and manual mixing of Kuchenteiges cause not only a tight gluteus maximus and firm upper arms, but also sweet little sins forgive. Tip 2: Fitness at the Office: A Recycle Bin is a training tool and can to the Used muscles of the arms or legs. Click NBA for additional related pages. Tip 3: more children in the air lift: so the purchase will be spared from action, the offspring will be entertained and the biceps is again presentable. Tip 4: sportive rituals: with additional squats everyday activities such as will brushing the perfect workout in between. Tip 5: fitness for Couchpotatoes: sit-ups in front of the TV cause guaranteed a Sixpack.
An additional side effect: It remains no time into the bowl of chips to access. Tip 6: fit at every turn: in line at the cash register that several seconds tighten buttocks, forming a beautiful Apfelpo and is guaranteed inconspicuous. Tip 7: cheat excluded: friends and acquaintances are diet dogs involved and committed to the spiritual and moral support. Tip 8: walk shopping: with only two arms for carrying shopping walking prevents unnecessary Hamsterkaufen and promotes a conscious purchase decision. Tip # 9: the home as a sports course: the table chocolate top placed on the Cabinet, replaced the stretching and animates the lemonade in the basement to a sporty Sprint. Tip 10: chilling pictures on the refrigerator: Reiner Calmund, Miss Piggy prevent too frequent handles in the fridge and so help the diet. Almost all everyday situations can be used with the help of these tips in the blink of an eye, to improve your own fitness and getting closer to the Bikini figure. about GmbH: is one of the largest Advisor portals in Germany. According to AGOF, 2008 IV listed 3.21 million unique users. The Web 2.0 platform aims to provide practical advice and personal experiences for free between the users. The answers are resourceful, versatile and go beyond the pure knowledge from encyclopedias and textbooks. They are based on personal experience, provide ideas and impulses.