24. August 2020 · Comments Off on Objectives Iron Sports Training · Categories: News · Tags:

Try to answer the following questions: What makes you come to the athletic hall? Why do some drop out after months of training, while others are engaged in for years? Why one can not achieve the result, while others did not reach even a small success? Why, sometimes, you make it so hard to keep myself to the gym? Why slipped thought: 'And can miss? I'm so tired today! " Difficult to answer at once, is not it? Especially if earlier about this and not dumali.My will not talk about methods of training, the choice of an optimal training program and proper nutrition. It is said and written about for so many. Having read thousands of articles and dozens of books on Training – how to understand them? Absorption of information does not guarantee the result. How do you know what suits you and what advice to follow, and what to avoid? "Sooner or later have to stop searching and start to act! Feature the process of obtaining knowledge and process knowledge, ie. acquisition of knowledge based on personal experience. This does not mean that we should all try out for themselves and nothing to learn. Learn from others' mistakes, try to choose the literature that right for you! All described in the literature, techniques, methods – a tactic. It makes sense if you have a goal.

The purpose for which you are engaged. Michael Cherny shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. If you have no goals, then most likely you will not achieve meaningful results, even Being well-read and enlightenment in bodibildinga.K Unfortunately, nine out of ten bodybuilders train, not having before him any Tseli. there is a connection between the purpose and outcomes? What is the root cause of why a person does, why one can not achieve results, but not others? Try to understand what is essential to success in bodybuilding, and indeed in any .Valentin Dikul about it said: 'The only thing – it must have an iron willpower, iron character and purpose, who really wants to achieve. .

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