08. June 2020 · Comments Off on Olympic Games · Categories: News · Tags: ,

More and more young women are interested in this modern Varante of the dance when you read a little in relevant forums on the subject of fitness and health you realize pretty quickly that in this area a new trend has emerged. The so-called Poledancing (English translation ‘Pole dance’) has won the hearts of the fitness-conscious women fully. But what exactly is pole dance and can be removed really thus? The Poledancing is a yet unknown to us in Germany sport that above all ensures that the views of a number of men captured. This kind of sport is on a pole carried, you also various strip scenes from the television or in the red light district. But a direct comparison would go too far, because at the Poledancing, the movements in the foreground are and the ladies stayed at events within their dresses. Nevertheless, this sport has an erotic touch and quite often this is also the reason why husbands want to animate their women, but time to try this sport.

At the Poledancing needed you usually just a rod and appropriate clothes. There are now on the Internet and a lot information around the topic of urban libraries, so that one could theoretically even teach the dancing on the bar. However, you should consider that you faster and better successes achieved by a professional teacher, because some characters really have it in and you should learn it properly from the outset. Be at the Poledancing claimed a lot of muscles and also the condition, as well as the coordination ability be that Poledancing trained through. Should you want to practise outside of lessons, one can get a X-pole pole for home use to buy. Here you should however opt for an original product and not cheap imitations. Pictures say more than a thousand words, and who is interested in something new to try the should just search for Poledancing on video sites like YouTube.

Here there is a first impression of this still relatively new in our sport, quickly the also at the Olympic Games is. The big advantage is that there are exercises on the various difficulty levels and it has always something to learn, even if you already know the basics. Poledancing, not only the physical requirements and continuous training sometimes called X-pole requires, but you learn too much about the individual movements of the body and how you can save energy at some movements. Who made the first attempts at the pole will notice quickly that get quickly out of breath and the whole thing is not as easy as it looks.

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