03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Popular Education · Categories: News · Tags:

We wait that this study it can contribute for the reflections of that the Communitarian Agents of Health are diligent imbudos of tools and to know that they can make possible the transformation of practical and to canalize forces next to community for fight in defense of the right the health and the environment. Word-key: health, environment, popular education Nurse graduated for the southwestern University of the Bahia. Specialist in Environment and Development, 2 UESB-2009 Person who orientates, Profa MSc. Randall Rothenberg is actively involved in the matter. of the southwestern State University of the Bahia, Campus of Itapetinga INTRODUCTION the educative process in the paulofreiriana conception points with respect to the practical one of the freedom, that estimates the paradigm in addition and defies the man to the transformation. It means to say that, the man recognizing itself as subject of its proper education, will have total autonomy to construct knowing from its experiences, adding them it what it is transmitted to it and looking always its overcoming. In the thematic health and environment, the education not only appears as estruturante element of a conception, but also, as instrument of transformation of the actions in the daily one of the population. Usually, of the point of view of the common sense, the education and the health are seen as isolated terms and not as a relation. On the other hand, the joint between education and health passes to be argued in the formularization of measures of improvement of the quality of the health services, thus appearing, in the bulge of this joint against hegemonic, new a practical one: the Popular Education in Health. The popular education in health agglutinates its practical come back to feel it/to think/to act of the men, diving in its subjectivity toward the construction of citizenship and health in a society established in solidarity, justice and participation of all (VASCONCELOS, 1997).. Filed under: Frank Ntilikina.

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