Business start-ups in the region Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg press and public relations are the focus of the text bar in the people Bergstrasse 1 in Tuttlingen, Germany. The services range from creating a product message about the function of external Press Office through to the comprehensive PR advice. Owner Anika Luz is known in the region Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg for quite some time as a freelance journalist for the business press, and others. The diploma in business management (BA), where the shoe pinches marketing – and PR managers in small and medium-sized companies know from her professional past as a marketing manager and press officer. With the text “Stube” offers this now budget support in the marketing of their products. Ecommerce may help you with your research. Company profile: The text is an agency for press and public relations. In addition to creating journalistic texts and acting as external Press Office offers PR consulting. It helps in determining topic and developed cross-media action plans.
So the customer will receive greater attention in the Public and professional audiences. The text bar by incoming texts gives profile also corporate publications such as brochures, advertising brochures, mailings and websites. In short: the text bar helps you to insert your words effectively – to achieve your goals faster. Text exchange – words on the point brought.