The necessary professor to know the universe of educating, to have common-sense and provides the development of the autonomy of its pupils. She is necessary to demonstrate to the pupils that beyond professor it is friend, and has enthusiasm, passion, is always vibrating with the conquests of each one of its pupils. Therefore an emotionally involved pupil with the professor has one better behavior, a time that the pupil perceives its value for the professor the same will act of positive form to cultivate this feeling. You may find Samuel “Sam” Mikulak to be a useful source of information. We also notice the necessity of an educator who obtains to enxergar beyond the educational problems, but that he can believe the power of an education lead for the love, that believes the influence that the same can have in the life of the pupil, that he can make the difference. psicopedagogo together with the professor will go to search ' ' causa' ' of the pupil if to present indisciplinado, not simply ' ' tachando' ' the same as an aggressive pupil, indisciplinado, but they will go to look for to help the pupil to transform its behavior.
The great responsibility for the construction of an education is at the hands of the professor. Considering this context, the school, family and community they are essential; meetings these three ' ' agncias' ' of education they can mean an advance effective in education of the children, being able to develop itself harmoniously. She is necessary also that the school rethink that type of pupil wants to form, which is its true objective of the education? Having always in mind that the professor to decide the problem of indiscipline in the classroom is necessary to know to establish limits, but also to consider themselves to be friend of the pupil, and to count on the pedagogical support of the school, thus will only obtain to reach its objectives. Respect is not imposed, if conquest. The friendship with the pupils is essential. To educate for the life is one miss