18. August 2020 · Comments Off on Relaxation · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Recognize quickly and reliably, you are what type of relaxation. Have you already asked himself, what relaxation method you could fit? If so, it is a few minutes of easy relaxation methods based on simple criteria to exclude you or to consider for themselves. People who are looking for a relaxation method suitable for you, can be of extreme abundance like to confuse. Already, the names, such as Hatha Yoga, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson and Tai Chi, to name only a few, leave ever questioning eyes. But this pool of possibilities can be located principally in 2 directions classify, which are extremely important for the individual. If you can do anything with one of these directions, or even feel uncomfortable, you can delete all methods that belong to her, ever. So the big offer reduced half already to approximately… The 2 main directions to relax relaxation methods can be place in a physical and a spiritual direction.

Where it is useful in my opinion, first to check the spiritual direction faster will result in part to the deep relaxation. If you feel uncomfortable with the spiritual direction, initially bypassing these methods, and focus more on the physical methods. Have gained some experience with this and found your access to the relaxation, may later add them with a spiritual method. “But how can I tell the difference?” you ask now. That’s easy… You focus your attention after inside the mental relaxation, with a method of purely mental relaxation.

You see, perceive, explore what is happening in you. Thoughts, feelings, inner images, scenes, symbols, but also bodily sensations can be. And then you can deal with these perceptions in different ways. This depends on the method and the underlying philosophy. The range from pure observation to explore your inner world of images. You are passive, the method often to learn is all the more difficult. This is simply because our mind it is used to jump from one thought to another. It is so easy to sit you or to lie and to focus only on certain images or thoughts you get probably good with a spiritual method. This direction are for example autogenous training, forms of meditation, fantasizing iron, self hypnosis and mental training. Are however nervous, restless and want or need to move even, is there a good alternative… Physical relaxation you are allowed to move here. The relaxation comes after you’ve learned certain movements or postures. It takes typically longer, until you feel a mental relaxation, because you first have to focus on your body. Through the motions you can solve physical tension to the part and “nervous energy out”. But the other side of the coin is that you find slow in the deep mental relaxation by focusing on the body. As soon as you no longer need to focus on postures or movements, the deep relaxation can be very effective. Representatives of this direction are such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, yoga forms (depending on the teacher), but also certain dance meditations.

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