03. May 2020 · Comments Off on Rio De Janeiro · Categories: News · Tags:

It can be affirmed that the transport (collective) urban exerts important function in the displacement of the users of the locality and the tourists whom they desire to walk for the city being contemplated some options of transports, between them the bus with some regular lines, train, subway, taxi, bark etc. In meanwhile, valley to stand out that for the local population, it is interesting to usufruct of this type of service, therefore is well-known that many residents of the city and the state of Rio De Janeiro do not know the attractive ones that the city and the state possess and that they are to the reach of all, can use as example the Bread of Sugar, the Christ Redentor among others. ' ' At the same time where it has soon recognition of that forms specialized and specific of transport for the tourism exist (as freighted buses tourist, flights and ships of cruises), has also other forms of transport that is used by hosts and tourist, in varied levels. For example, urban buses, commercial systems of subway and flights for tourist regions, are used simultaneously for local tourists and residents, in some cases this can provoke competitions Transport and Tourism – Page, Stefhen (pg.16, Ed. Bookman 2001). Knowing that the transport is element key in the tourist experience, we saw its importance in this sector. However, inside of the boarding of the study of the collective transport, its importance in the city of Rio De Janeiro goes beyond. It exerts the function of the displacement of the local residents stops: work, school, leisure and health, beyond promoting the displacement of the tourist in the city, the tourist is not imprisoned only to the conventional transports for exclusive use of the same, the visitor desires to interact in the dynamics of the locality, being made use of the collective public transport, as well as is made in the cities of the developed countries, as, for example, France, where very the railroad transport is used as one of the main options of displacement in the city of Paris.

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