Hamburg before one year is joined the Hamburg-based consultancy CHM Ltd project seminar-discounter to revolutionise the education industry. See more detailed opinions by reading what NBA offers on the topic.. Today seminar-discounters with the price – and competence leaders of the industry. The corporate training is booming”, says head coach Bernd Hansen, our day fee of EUR 379 undercutting the usual average trainer fees by almost 80% *. That is like assumed by the company. Just because we offer at the same time competent coach with 21 years of experience.” Seminar offers open seminars-discounters for 47 EUR per day and participant at.
With this price, we are up to 80% lower than the average”of the industry, according to the Managing Director, here we can achieve more. We are always looking for experienced trainers.” Now the area individual training in the visor is taken for the future. Our trainers best references “, Hansen added, for example, top executives have been and “Spokesman for renowned companies such as such as H & M, Google or Chanel coached”. * Source: Analysis of current in the TrainerGuide 07/08 ‘ (Publisher managerSeminare Verlag GmbH, Bonn) intec 149 trainers and coaches data published by the media company contracted by CHM Ltd. The average daily fee EUR 1.861. The trimmed mean of daily fees 1,670 EUR amounts to neglecting the most extreme outlier (up to 9,800 EUR). The length of the experience with the trainers and coaches who have published their fee, moving between one year and 43 years. The medium value without outliers is 15 years.