06. June 2020 · Comments Off on Soccer · Categories: News · Tags:

According to department of amateur soccer Da Ponte, these invitations is frequent, what she discloses to the affection and the recognition to the Veteran. In the case of Castanhal, Amilcar journalist Sheep, for email, made the following story (in 24.05.2004): ' ' He does not want to know how much that game moved with our city. I had six years but I remember of the full field. I say field, because it was not stadium, same being closed, had not arquibancadas nor fenced. The delegation Da Ponte was homaged with a lunch (in the house of the Notary local) and greeted with a speech pronounced for a journalist come of Belm, ordered for the periodical the State of Par. Caps with the colors of our team had been confectioned (black and yellow). It at that time imagines to order to make caps. I find that they were of coarse linen cloth, made for dressmakers.

My father was owner of the cinema (Cine Argus, established in 1940) and to very little they made it things to cancel a cinematographic session. Therefore in this day &#039 did not have matin; ' In the column ' ' Line of Fundo' ' , that it publishes in the local periodical, Amilcar confirmed the grandiosidade of the event: ' ' It was a great event in the city, the commerce closed, and to the afternoon all the population was back in the Field of Castanhal for great jogo.' ' But after all of accounts, it was intentionally municipal holiday? I wrote the Secretary of Administration of the City hall of Castanhal, Mr. Jucivaldo Blacksmith of Birth. After minute research in the archives of the City hall, it discovered that the only holiday of the municipal theatre of Castanhal is 19 of March, consecrated Is Laboring Jose, the Padroeiro of the city, as the Law n 17, of 14.05.1949 (information given in the Craft n 10, of 26.02.2004).

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