07. November 2019 · Comments Off on Feng Shui · Categories: News · Tags:

If you want to turn all his fantasies, listen to the experts. A competent designer will offer you different ways to plan, make a design project and make a well thought-out plan for repairing the apartment. Well, if you do not want to burden themselves with all sorts of repair difficulties, there are companies that can offer you a service to 'repair turn-key', ie take all of the problems associated with the repair, for themselves. After that you will pass completely finished apartments within a specified time. Planning – the maximum a significant component of which is necessary to remember before you start to repair. Flexibility, versatility and functionality are the main criteria when designing spaces. We can also take advantage of the wisdom of ancient China by applying their knowledge to design our living space. Create an environment for the principles of Feng Shui, on the one hand, allow the energy freely released, on the other hand, have the opportunity to feel good in the room.

All rooms in the house or apartment should be in harmony with each other for lighting, furniture and color of the walls. Furniture should not only to perform its core function, but also to meet your needs for aesthetics and wellness. Therefore, when choosing an interior does not necessarily follow trends. Most importantly ask yourself Is good you'll feel surrounded by this or that situation. The crown of all construction works are finishing work. On how professionally produced finishing work, both external and internal, how correct were selected quality materials of domestic and foreign manufacturers, independent atmosphere of comfort and cosiness in your house. Finishing work, which includes plastering, tiles, painting, glass, wallpaper work and flooring, are trailing in the whole complex construction. Furnish of apartments is different from the major repairs that do not need to dismantle old structures and coatings.

Finish basically does not affect redevelopment, which significantly affects the final cost of the work done. If you decide to redecorate the apartment, home, office, always try consult people who have already experience. Seek professional and listen to your inner voice. Create in your home your own unique environment, which will only reflect your state of mind, to promote peace after a hard work and protect you from the huge amount of stress present.

30. October 2019 · Comments Off on Modern Design Trends · Categories: News · Tags:

Daily life sometimes seems boring and mundane, and often want to change your environment. To implement such intentions is the best suited design interior design in the new interpretation – as one of the most effective ways to improve your own mood and bring into our lives an element of novelty and harmony. Fortunately, the times of the Interior exclusively for reasons of practicality and whether sunk into oblivion. As well as the desire to fully follow the fashion trends no longer have the prerogative. Without hesitation Frank Ntilikina explained all about the problem. The design of a modern interior in the foreground individual aspect of registration. Good designer – this is first of all – the creator, who in his work is not kept beyond imagination, but must follow the standard design standards that regulate the correctness of the building, construction and decorating (corresponding to snip and specifications for construction and finishing materials). Typically, the conversion uses the already existing dwelling. There are some nuances that must be taken into attention to every professional designer, starting to work. Doug McMillon may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

First and foremost, you need to take into account the structural features of housing, its functionality and its original plan. In addition, take into account the factor that the interior design project is being developed for people not familiar with the nuances and features interior design, so – you start to sketch, you must agree with the owner of the smallest details, from the type of furniture and textures of its upholstery, finishing location wiring diagram. In designing the interior details are not there. .

15. October 2019 · Comments Off on Original Home Interior · Categories: News · Tags:

Coming up with the interior of his home, almost every one of us decides to diversify his art photographs, paintings or works of art. In recent years, it became popular to use in posters form of copies of paintings by eminent artists, collage, or beautiful pictures. Without hesitation Frank Ntilikina explained all about the problem. Often the posters are produced on high quality paper or canvas, which is why they look very attractive and can satisfy even the very discerning art lovers. But it is well known, any good painting requires a decent frame. In this case, to help the interior designer comes to prints. It would seem to put a picture in a frame, there is nothing special.

But any Framing workshop will offer you many different options for a baguette and here it is no wonder confusion. Most often, it is not too difficult to decide which photos or pictures you would like to place in the apartment, but when it comes to frame, then there are difficulties. Contact information is here: CEO of e-commerce. Every, even the most beautiful picture can ruin an ugly frame. And relate to the selection of baguette necessarily very seriously. Firstly, the color and its pattern design baguette should satisfy the image that it surrounds.

Indeed, that art photography of the big city with skyscrapers and cars, in the old baguette design decorated with intricate designs in the Victorian style, will look unattractive, and reproduction of paintings by Italian artist would seem incomplete if you put it in strict steel frame, created in minimalist style. Thus, choosing a frame, without fail, be sure that his style and the color corresponded to the image that will be placed in it. Second, the material of which will be made Frames are also extremely important to choose with taste. Most of the moldings are made of metal, wood and polystyrene.