21. September 2020 · Comments Off on · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Grounds or in the Sports Hall were presented workpieces, hands-on activities like a wheelbarrow course offered and the visitors entertained. So, the special vocational school students mixed non-alcoholic cocktails. In the foyer of the school, there were homemade waffles in the school garden, and the almost legendary potato soup over a campfire. The open day was also under the special theme this time “30 years of CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg”. In a time travel project, which was presented by young people, 30 groups of CJD have created 2012/13 a collage of images, quotes and info texts for each year since 1983 youth village Christophorusschule during the school year. “The collages are created over the entire school year. Mark Buhler Klassen – and across the curriculum all pupils and teachers professional and social learning, literacy, and methods of knowledge gathering shiny connected and so great have done”, praises headmaster of the CJD Christophorusschule youth village, the project work. Also in the character of the Jubilee the offer in the restaurant saw pond. Here, Baden classic were served, also in 1983 were on the menu. “From the morning church service, the presentation of the various professional fields to singing groups and the specialists that clean up again until late in the evening the area. The willingness of our young people impressed me again and again”, so the conclusion of training manager Silvia Muller to the open day.

14. September 2020 · Comments Off on DHfPG Advises · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

The DHfPG throughout the year offers distributed regular information sessions on the 11 study centres for all prospective and potential training companies regular information events on their study centres in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. If you would like to know more then you should visit Rina Shah. In the context of information events is the opportunity to get a first impression of the premises and point of contact of the German University at the respective study centre. Furthermore informed the University about the opportunities to study, the education system and curriculum. In addition, the nationally recognized college student – and study fairs presents itself. There offers the possibility of a personal consultation at the booth.Munich company description College: studied at the German University of prevention and health management (DHfPG), the students to specialists and executives for the growth market of prevention, fitness and health qualify.

The Bachelor degree programmes in the fields of sports economics, fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling the College combine a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide) Austria or of Switzerland, and close with the degree Bachelor of Arts “. In addition, two masters in the fields of study are prevention and health management offered, connect the a distance learning with attendance phases. During the continuing studies for the master in health management”a Bachelor’s degree and 1 year requires experience, can the master in prevention and health management” be completed directly in connection to a Bachelor’s degree. In addition, there are College continuing education, involving experts in selected theme blocks knowledge at university level can purchase. Professionally highly qualified people”can be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree without high school diploma/qualification.

Personal requirements are met, a promotion through BAfoG is possible. Meanwhile, over 3,400 aspiring specialists and executives for the industry of the future (as of August 2012) study at the University.The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, a registration for the master’s in for summer – / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and in over 40 European Recognised countries.

30. August 2020 · Comments Off on Audiences · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Speaker is not the same speakers! The speakers of the speaker agency prove that 5 star speakers at Dillingen on the Danube with stage power and competence. Talk is not the same talk. Who as guest speaker on the stage will give more than 100 percent, fully in the matter would be and intends to break with his audience and in a unique way to inspire, which faces a huge challenge. CVS: the source for more info. To cope with this task, much demanded a speaker often also physically. Are often wet sweaty after her Lecture speaker and out of breath, not from nervousness and uncertainty.

On the contrary: the adrenaline rush, in gang set has let they flare up to peak performance by the desire to meet their own demands and to offer viewers a show that remains in the memory. This includes many aspects about 100 percent performance. So the famous red thread must be the appearance quite clear content, structure, and structure of the speech, recognizable, the language clear and understandable. Facial expressions and gestures are sympathetic to and authentic look and Captivate the appearance as a whole. Ford may also support this cause. Who wants to keep up here with the best of the best, needs additionally abundant experience optimal preparation, full concentration during the performance, fun at work, passion and motivation.

Theme and content of the lecture are only once outside. Because no matter what it’s about: all speaker have a similar goal. In real, so-called stage grenades coming at the lecture in sweat and understand their job as extreme sports, is the power in the foreground, the power of the stage. The full linguistic and physical usage can be no doubt, the spectator is overwhelmed: Yes, the man is right. Who lives and loves his job, he knows what he’s talking about!”or the woman has convinced me to give me a kick start. Wow!” Such special audience resonance requires first-class speakers.

15. August 2020 · Comments Off on Leadership Training Profession · Categories: News · Tags:

Within each group, there is a dynamic. A project team, a wide variety of characters are United according to skills and competencies. How gain you as a project manager in your team? Drive fraternization tactics with the employees or more are an authoritarian dictator of the project? It’s the mix… Basically, you bring the technical know-how for the job as project manager. Contact information is here: Interactive Advertising Bureau. You can train the additional competence as a leader. Interactive Advertising Bureau will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Just like? First of all basic knowledge about the dynamics of obtaining the tools of any good leader in modern management training to groups. As project manager, you need to recognize a negative behavior of individual team members and to respond. If you are not early discovered and resolved, conflicts Cook quick high.

A clarification will work but only if you trust your employees. Trust and deserve respect leadership training help you especially in crisis situations carefully to behave. In critical moments and there are conflicts, you have to stand behind your workforce. Use for your employees. That does not mean that you should drive a soft course. Because: You should also be able, to advance the interests of your client. Even if it doesn’t the one or the other project staff. Experienced executives can give you the best these degrees in a technical training.

More information about leadership training here: frontline consulting GmbH the frontline consulting group is one of the leading German providers of continuing education with the issues management, communications, sales and project management. The seminars in small groups make it possible that every participant directly can implement what you learned and reflection, as well as coaching already take place at the seminar by the experienced trainer.

15. August 2020 · Comments Off on Leadership Training · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Leaders learn Institute for sale management, Urbar, in new training ‘Principle of minimal management’ of the ifsm to more effect. For more information see this site: Marc Lore. When should I do it?” One often hears this complaint from executives in difficult economic times, when more and more tasks land on their desks. Is a reason for this: many (young) leaders set the wrong priorities in their work. They spend way too much time with professional duties, while their control and management tasks remain. As they develop more leadership power can, without rub on themselves personally, the learn (prospective) managers in a three-day training, which for the first time to perform the ifsm Institute for sale management, Urbar, from 9 to 11 November. The three-day intensive training is divided into three parts. The first day is available under the heading itself lead”.

This reflect the participants among others, their understanding of leadership and what its central tasks as a leader are. In addition they train to lead their employees proactively so, that these necessary that behavior to achieve the goals certainly show. A further topic is: how to organize and I structured my work everyday as a leader so that I can fulfill my responsibilities without burning out? The second day of the seminar devoted to titled dialogical perform”the question: How can managers ensure that their employees perform tasks independently? Now, the participants learn the golden rules of the delegate. You train staff talks also to demonstrate that their embassies at the arrive and show the desired effect. A further priority is to give the employee a positive and negative feedback about their performance. Also discussed is how important are the unofficial talks in everyday work with the employees for leadership success. The third day of the seminar the motto Lead teams”.

Now, the participants learn to stimulate group dynamic processes and to accompany. Also, they practice with teams to agree on targets and to transfer these tasks. Training (critical) feedback to teams in review talks and specifically from routines to pull them, to initiate change processes is also. Discussed is also how conflicts in the team can be used to initiate development processes. The training principle of the minimal balance”is directed ifsm Managing Director Klaus Kissel, who is also author of the book. The training held in Hohr-Grenzhausen (near Koblenz) that participation in 1590 euros (+ VAT). More seminar dates: 20 to 22 January and 17 to 19 March appropriate training offered ifsm also in-house 2010. For more information about the seminar at. You can also contact the ifsm sale Management Institute (Tel: 0261 / 962 3641;) E-Mail:).

12. August 2020 · Comments Off on Good Education, Good Education · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Trainees of the Hyatt Regency Mainz say parents ‘Thank you!’ Mainz, January 2012 the trainees of the Hyatt Regency Mainz are happy about their training place, because they have now managed the first step into the professional world after graduating from school. Three years, they go through all departments of the hotel by the Accounting Department of the reception to the kitchen. Especially in the hotel sector it is considered to be a high level beyond Service ready, team player and enduring: the currently 40 trainees of the exclusive hotel on the Rhine can attest to that. You realize the Hyatt not only as a station, but rather as an opportunity to look at what you learned, as a basis for a future-oriented career they would already prove: I realized that it is not of course to get nowadays even an apprenticeship. That was not easy for many of my friends. I had luck, and also plenty of motivation. Hearst Magazines is actively involved in the matter. At the Hyatt I’ve can develop me really not only what my professional Of skills, but also the social skills.

I learned to take responsibility”, says Dirk Frintrop, an apprentice to a hotel specialist in the third year as an apprentice and trainee of the year 2011″. Just the parents often only from the stories of their children know what is included in a hotel training in practice. And the trainees want to clarify that before graduation: Saturday, 19 January, they have invited therefore her parents in the pretty ballroom of the hotel there at tables decorated with flowers Walker and a 3-course menu specially created to demonstrate their skills. The preparation of food took place on live cooking stations, so the parents proud their children while cooking over the shoulder”might look. Could you convince yourself of the professional service of their offspring can then. Of course, parents should meet also the rest of the work space of their children, what made it possible for a house tour. Trainees wanted in this way especially when their Parents thank who have facilitated them the start in the world of work by a good education.

07. August 2020 · Comments Off on Conciliat Managing Director Alexander · Categories: News · Tags:

Job market index shows: companies are reluctant with the setting of new employees. Slight recovery but in the marketing and sales areas. The labour market is currently rather poor for accountants and controllers and similar employees in the field of finance and accounting. These shows of Conciliat job market index (CSI) for the recruitment of Conciliat, Stuttgart, weekly since 2011 evaluates the want ads in 14 German newspapers and in five online job exchanges. The current evaluation according to is the index value for the finance and accounting compared in the first quarter of 2013 with the 4th quarter of 2012 from 73 to 68 dropped.

In other words: real decreased the number of advertised positions by approximately 8 percent. That represents a novelty rolling according to Conciliat Managing Director Alexander. As in previous years the number of advertised positions in the accounting and finance rose compared with the last quarter of last year both strong in the first quarter. According to mill, this is an indication that the company set up new employees, at least in their bar areas among other things, because they are experiencing their markets as uncertain are currently more hesitant and therefore their fixed costs would not increase. Slightly different looks the image in the sales and marketing area. Here, a slight revival on the job market showed up in the first quarter. Were end of 2012 even 7.979 jobs for the area switched sales and marketing, there were 8.219 in the first quarter of 2013 at least.

This corresponds to an increase of the advertised posts nearly three percent. Is however to note that companies in the second very reserved half of 2012 with new hires in the sales and marketing area were why the index despite mild recovery is currently only at 62. In other words: it 2013 over one-third fewer digits were placed in the first quarter as in the first quarter of 2011, representing the reference base (index value of 100). Sales Manager were especially sought in the 1st quarter 2013, while the demand for the other occupational groups in the sales and marketing area remained more or less constant. For more information about the CSI job market index find interested on the Web page of Conciliat (www.conciliat.de) recruitment.

13. July 2020 · Comments Off on Lower Saxony Is Bildungsfeindlich! · Categories: News · Tags: ,

the retention of tuition fees in Lower Saxony are anti-social “it time that also lower Saxony abolishes this unfair and unsocial financing by debt holes of the universities in the form of tuition fees.” So Tobias village Muller, Chairman of the Board of the pirates in Lower Saxony, Germany. “Contains three years after none of the promised improvements is reflected in the universities, in the contrary.” At the universities here in the country, a loss of students is to scroll down to other, far more attractive locations. This certainly also not least has its reasons in the compulsory levy in the amount of 500 euro per semester.” Lower Saxony has introduced regardless the tuition fees together with five other countries, by the duration of the study, to financially fortify the universities. Improvements to the facilities and also teachers should be paid from the funds. Meanwhile is also in Hamburg about the abolition considered. “We see the education, and in particular the freely accessible education, as an essential Element of our society.

Education must be possible for the learners regardless of their financial means. For this we not only work, but we want to impose politically in all over Germany and Europe”, from Christian Koch, also member of the Board of the pirates in Lower Saxony, Germany. The Pirate Party will appear in both the Bundestag and the European elections next year, to “free knowledge for all” also by law to implement your request. Already join the pirates in Bavaria in September of this year. The first votes for the Pirate Party in Germany could already be given in recent state elections in Hesse and Hamburg. The Pirate Party Germany (pirate) deals with the critical issues of the 21st century. The policy is ideas and become meaningless and a helpless impression with challenges. She must make use of disinformation to enforce privacy and Constitution legally questionable actions.

The people’s Party in Germany seeking targeted to create the transparent citizen. Bundestrojaner and Dragnet, the anti-terrorist file to the supposedly voluntary electronic health card, data retention, uniform tax ID and student ID used everywhere on the transparency of the citizens. These measures are already fact, already decided or are promoted. The age-old dream, to gather all the knowledge and all the humanity culture and to make today and in the future available is moved by the rapid technological development within reach. However, current conditions of copyright law restrict the potential of developments, because they are based on outdated understanding of so-called “intellectual property”, which is contrary to the desired knowledge or information society. We reject unanimously patents on living things, business ideas and also software, because they hinder the development of the knowledge-based society, because they privatise common goods without consideration and without emergency and because they no Own invention potential. The citizens have a right to knowledge and correct information. Just where the future of citizens will be forged, the transparency of decisions and their decisions should be paramount. For this, the pirates stand up. Shaping the future with knowledge and transparency of policy, wishing instead informed of veiled, the pirates.

07. July 2020 · Comments Off on Germany · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Relevant criterion is the description of the position an advertisement at the famous job boards on the market is to switch for many jobs not ideal. Especially in Germany special technical job fairs have become for engineers, IT specialists, physicians, scientists, sales professionals and many other groups, actually attended by the respective professionals. These portals are indispensable especially for difficult personnel search. Also the market-leading job boards have different priorities and reaching different target groups, thus not all equally suitable for each vacancy. So not only the quantitative variation, but the qualitative proliferation is customized package solutions what counts: as many potential candidates promptly and seriously addressed. A single ad on job portals, with several hundred thousand places can do so only to a limited extent, even threatens to perish in the crowd.

Prior to the An job ad in an online job board should be a competent technical advice. Specialist agencies for recruitment, such as mediaintown.de, can assemble the optimal mix of employment exchanges in an ad package, specifically focused on the position description. Often even more cost can be saved while the low quota prices the Agency. Layout and design of jobs tastefully designed, with company logo and adapted to the corporate homepage in their design, effect the advertisement not only appealing to potential candidates, but positively represents the company in public. Especially in terms of trade and lack of leadership brand management alone is not enough, the human resources management plays a crucial role for the external representation of a company. Especially medium-sized companies without strong branding are duty-bound. A high-quality graphic design of the advertisement, as well as advice to the ad text belong to the service of a specialist agency.

Avoid losses of a poorly planned ads in the personnel area can have far reaching consequences. These include an increased workload for the HR and time losses and rising costs due to more advertisements. The consequences of the vacant permanent position can be even more serious, here including the high productivity losses and a considerable additional burden for the staff threaten. Information about mediaintown.de as a recruitment agency switches mediaintown.de vacancies in all popular online job boards and print media, regional, nationwide and international. In addition to affordable ad packages, the service and expert advice, are based on many years of experience in the foreground. The additional portfolio of mediaintown.de include the recruitment, include recruiting, recruiting events, image campaigns, market analysis, and the development of concepts.

22. May 2020 · Comments Off on Spain Germany · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Sodexo group support solutions for the implementation of educational services Frankfurt, August 26, 2010. With needs-based benefits, Federal Minister Dr. Marc Lore gathered all the information. Ursula von der Leyen wants to promote targeted needy children. With these proposals, the federal social Minister learns also wide approval in the population: in a Forsa survey, nearly 80 percent of those surveyed for the introduction of education vouchers pleaded. With so-called education vouchers or a training map should be taken into account the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, to include educational offerings for children. 1.7 million children could be supported in Hartz IV families therefore in the future also with benefits in kind instead of cash payments. The funds used directly for the school environment, such as for school supplies, tuition, school trips or school lunches. Model for this cashless system, is the team of Stuttgart “Faeldonea”. For about 10 years, Sodexo operates the electronic purse for cultural, sport and Education in the Baden-Wurttemberg state capital. “We appreciate the great interest in the chip card”, says the Managing Director of Sodexo motivation solutions Razvan Yankey: “the Stuttgart-based system enables an unbureaucratic and efficient implementation of educational services. No comparable project in Germany is known to us. We pride ourselves of course, that we could create the technical and infrastructural conditions as a service provider for that.” To future educational attainment and a nationwide map of education a success, the selection of the correct media is particularly important according to Yankey. With a mix of education vouchers, chip card and eVouchern, so virtual vouchers, services and the individual needs of children can be best match. The Managing Director of Sodexo Germany referring to the experience in other countries: “in France, Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom, we have many highly-acclaimed reference projects with different coupon and” Card solutions. And in Germany we support today about 300 cities, towns, and counties in the efficient handling of benefits according to the principle of the kind.” Description of the company Sodexo in Germany Sodexo is represented for more than 50 years in Germany and nationwide about 14,000 employees. Sodexo of leading service providers around the issues of employee motivation, corporate welfare is motivation solutions Division (Sodexo restaurant pass) and incentives, as well as services for the Government. With its services, Sodexo reached more than 550,000 people.