14. June 2020 · Comments Off on Subrogate Rate · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Fixed rate mortgages offered financial institutions have a number of advantages and disadvantages with respect to mortgages at variable rates that we should know and calibrated before making a decision. The security that gives us to know the monthly fee we will always pay on a fixed rate mortgage meets the high interest rates they charge for this type of funding and the high cost of change of Bank. Advantage of the fixed rate mortgage: the security the main advantage of fixed rate mortgage loans is the security. We know the fixed fee we will pay for 20 or 30 years (current maximum term of fixed mortgages on the market currently) life of the mortgage. Take the conditions of the mortgage fixed rate with lower interest, which offers 5% at 20 years, and suppose we need 200,000 euros. NBA will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The fixed monthly fee we will pay over the next 20 years will be 1,320 euros.

Or seen in another way, we will return at the end 316.800 euros (116,800 euros in interest, without updating based on the IPC). Sports apparel is often quoted as being for or against this. Doing the same with the variable mortgage with lesser type of interest at Euribor + 30 to 30 years, you will end up paying is impossible to calculate, since nobody knows the evolution of the euribor to 30 years. If always remain above 2%, we would pay 770 euros per month, returning 277.200 euros at the end of the period. If instead the euribor 5% maximum, the quota would be 1,110 euros and we would pay a total of 399.600 euros; 122.400 euros more for the increase of the euribor, a real risk to consider, right? Disadvantages of fixed type any of them has already been formulated in the previous example: currently pay a fee of 1,320 euros if we hire a fixed mortgage. However, with the best variable rate mortgage (current euribor + 0.30 to 30 years), is a fee of EUR 723: fixed rate mortgages are more expensive than mortgages at variable rates with the current euribor, in addition to having shorter repayment terms.

15. September 2014 · Comments Off on Effective Key Points · Categories: News · Tags: , , , , , , ,

Hello and welcome my dear entrepreneur. On this occasion we will discuss some important points about the multilevel or network marketing, the problem of all entrepreneurs and solutions. If it is true that part amount of the success of a Networker is have a team with a good Marketing strategy. That is what happens in Marketing MultinivelTradicional? Maybe you also happened to you who in your group had the classic exit strategy from the list of 100, to distribute at least 100 flyers and talk to 10 people of business and product (do not say this does not work, simply is that can be done in a way more intelligent and effective). and later, even before seeing results you were going to an event, everyone is excited and salian saying now if had found the method as the llevarian to the maximum level and complicit what we had already done and copiabamos what expocitor had said that the you had operated. This course, which instead of bringing closer us to our goals the only thing that happened is that us away, that after a time regresabamos to the basic and once more to begin again. What is It makes marketing MLM or network marketing business. Far from being something new, it is a concept adapted to the multilevel, I am speaking of the already famous attraction Marketing.

Your strategy has to be based on the two main problems of the MLM (which I already talked in a previous article and here extendere theme). Generate interested people or prospects. For this part you can do a combination of the traditional MLM and the new MLM of attraction, this is prospecting Offline effectively and intelligently and prospecting on the Internet similarly effective and intelligent, this occasion will explain only the online method. For this is essential to have some tools such as: A Blog, an autoresponder and a system of automatic prospecting, without these tools it is practically impossible to have an effective strategy. I say goodbye and wish you the best.

10. May 2013 · Comments Off on The Development · Categories: News · Tags: , , , ,

The curriculum as a project can not take into account all the factors involved in the educational field and should not supplant the initiative and responsibility of teachers, but you can take into consideration information on the origin and the nature of the place where it is applied; Unfortunately, the curriculum applied in primary education is not as flexible plan and study programmes provide an annual calendar of 200 working days and that is imposed by the Secretary of education, and carefully monitored and sanctioned by the same, besides that in subjects and hours of each one of them is duly assigned for each one they, by what would talk of a rigidity in the educational system. Applied to the elementary school curriculum is not flexible but rigid, since we understand by flexible that combination of studies with work in the educational process stays, i.e. an alternate education or a system dual which seek methodologies, strategies and curricular teaching to articulate content, theoretical and practical; Let us remember that there must be a link in the relationship between curriculum, the cultural environment and the geographical environment, because the latter as key elements for new curricular transformation proposals, must be incorporated from this point of view, is that it must be noted that changes in the curriculum are based on the growing social needs, since the development of the industry, science and technology have brought about changes in the various social sectors as for example the workforce affected precisely because of these advances, because these give guideline to a variation in employment opportunities, but above all to a framed competition thus requiring curriculum that can be handled at any educational level is modified for these new demands of our modern society, becoming a curriculum with a view to be more flexible, however this still does not happen at all in the educational field. .