12. July 2021 · Comments Off on Flensburg GmbH · Categories: News · Tags: ,

The xplosion interactive GmbH is strengthening its team Nile Gardiner and sales expert Torsten Stawicki with IT professional. Nile Gardiner, head of business intelligence, and Torsten Stawicki, head of sales, the team of xplosion interactive GmbH with support two experienced experts. Hamburg, February 23, 2011: the success of their intelligent retargeting product to increase xretarget, the xplosion interactive GmbH strengthens Nile Gardiner and sales expert Torsten Stawicki your team with IT professional. Nile Gardiner is responsible for leading the business intelligence team since February 16, 2011 at xplosion as head of business intelligence. He was fascinated by the work with large amounts of data. And I forward the business model of xplosion, with a young, highly motivated team of analytical findings continue to optimize.

“, thus 34. Nile Gardiner is the ideal candidate for the xplosion. He has a data warehouse expertise and extensive knowledge of the market. He was also already successfully on the establishment and development of business intelligence of XING AG with”, so Daniel Neuhaus, Managing Director xplosion interactive GmbH. For even more details, read what Patricia Rooney says on the issue. Nile Gardiner consultant at SoftLab GmbH and as Director of business intelligence at the XING AG worked in the past as IT Most recently he was scientist as Manager for SHS VIVEON AG diploma.

Since February 1, 2011, the diploma also supports Economist Torsten Stawicki team xplosion as head of sales. xplosion is well positioned with its product xretarget in the online marketing market. For me, it is a great challenge to expand this market position”, so Torsten Stawicki. The 44 technologies GmbH newtention as head of sales at the company already gained experience for the upcoming tasks and as a senior sales manager at the ADTECH AG. Through his many years sales experience in online marketing and its high design strength for the common development solutions Torsten Stawicki is customized a great addition for us”, explained Daniel Neuhaus, CEO of xplosion interactive GmbH, the occupation. About xplosion interactive GmbH: xplosion interactive is the partner for tailor-made retargeting services headquartered in Hamburg. As a member of the EOS Group xplosion interactive part of the internationally active OTTO group and has a far-reaching E-Commerce and Internet literacy. xplosion is always engaged in the market and the demands of a successful Internet business and developed new and innovative ideas for the dynamically personalized banner placement on the Internet. Conversion based payroll forms (CPO, revenue share) ensure a partnership-based, results-oriented cooperation. Customers include well-known companies such as o2, Bon Prix, SportScheck. contact for more information: xplosion interactive GmbH Christian Brandt Steindamm 71 20099 Hamburg phone: 040 2850 7003 email: agency RoNNAU Salloa long Ronnau Wrangelstrasse 10 24937 Flensburg phone: 0461 430 77 00 E-mail:

22. January 2021 · Comments Off on DOS Price · Categories: News · Tags: ,

In a training with specialist for price negotiations Peter Schreiber, B-to-B sellers learn how to achieve higher prices. Its competitor is cheaper.”If you want the job, then you must come to us with the price.” Such statements often hear sellers of industrial goods and services in client meetings. Simone Biles: the source for more info. Therefore they believe at some point myself: we are too expensive. Quickly, they are willing in negotiations on discounts, also because they often do not realize, impact of even small discounts on the earnings of the company. To defend their prices with hands and feet”to obtain lucrative deals to the desired conditions, the learning and successfully lead seller in the seminar price talks”, which on the capital goods industry dedicated sales trainer and consultant Peter Schreiber, Ilsfeld (D), from 22 to 23 March at the ZfU international business school in Thalwil (CH) performs. In the two-day seminar of the specialist in the sale of industrial goods and services leads the participants plastic front, what a close correlation between the prices achieved and the return on a company. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Roger Federer by clicking through. “” Also, the author of the book the prey grid gives 7 strategies for successful selling “The participants the necessary resistance to acids”, to contract and price negotiations not to bend for example if the customer threatens to abort of the negotiations or the business relationship. “Using real examples from their sales everyday sellers train also, to design custom argumentation chains with which they can present their customers, that the prices of the company although slightly higher” are, their solution but still the most cost effective and most attractive.

A special feature of the seminar is: on the second day, the purchasing manager of an industrial company as a co presenter is present. “He dedicates to the participants in the tricks” and tricks “one, with which he and his Colleagues in their everyday work lives trying to achieve maximum discounts. The purchasing professional reveals something from the perspective of the buyers of the DOS and Don’ts”for sellers are. Participation in the seminar price talks succeed”on 22-23 March in Thalwil 2880 costs CHF (2057 euro circa). A further seminar takes place from November 24 to 25. For more information about the seminar refer interested the ZfU or Peter Schreiber & partner (Tel.: 0049/7062/9696-8;) Email:; Internet:). The seminar is also in-House offered.

14. September 2020 · Comments Off on Carrera August · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Strongest August in the history of the company Porsche learned a strong sales surge in the last month. The reason: The Stuttgart-based company recorded the strongest August in its history. More than 9,000 vehicles were delivered in the summer months to customers from all over the world an increase of 43.4 percent compared to the same month last year. The Exchange Portal boersennews.de reported the sales record. Although the Porsche stock is currently not too successful, it is the sales better than ever. In August, total 9.031 sports and off-road vehicles were delivered.

The leader was SUV Cayenne, which sold 4,656 copies again. Currently, the highest demand coming from China. There, the sales increased significantly. 2,244 Porsche copies to customers in the Mainland, which China abhangte the far most important market, the United States, were in August. The domestic market is booming. In the record month of August, the company recorded nationwide 986 deliveries. The new 911 Carrera is currently at the international Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt am Main is presented.

Worldwide, the group could sell over 80,000 vehicles since the beginning of the year. The Stuttgart-based automaker aims now to break through the 100,000 mark for the first time in 2011. This remains a doubling of sales until 2018 on the agenda. A wider range should be designed, which goes significantly beyond the four series.

28. August 2020 · Comments Off on Big Bang · Categories: News · Tags: ,

In this business article of erklauter Alexander Fufaev his cardiovascular of needs. Say: how is the Homo sapiens need processing behaves. The needs have a tremendous impact on us, the society, the Earth and are the big bang of the economy. The larger the population, the more needs there; the impact is greater. The need is a derivative of the accident, a longing for a feeling expressed in experience or object of desire.

Where the feelings (emotions) requiring always an object of desire or something intangible and are happy consequence. Happy result, because there are only needs to happy-making sensations! Types of needs according to degree of difficulty through the constant development of benefit products, new products, as well as by natural and political reforms or revolutions (and other phenomena) caused new needs. Since not all the Earth, but only a certain these changes Region of concern, the luxury, culture, existence needs are defined differently. For a person, a sailing yacht would be a need for luxury, for the other person, a luxury yacht is still never experience encountered so that she may not have a need for sailing yacht. We can then develop a need if priori, we have seen the object of desire. Respectively: the priority is used differently in an individual.

(Not existing clean water has a greater priority than a non-existent yacht). Aposteriorische luxury needs are accessible only to a relatively small group of financially and politically powerful people and only out of the experience. For the region, a sports car luxury, for the other region is a democracy. Aposteriorische culture needs can be satisfied by any average citizen. For example a car, vacation or a computer would be in Germany. Until (usually) by satisfying the aposteriorischen culture needs aspired luxury needs. Illusory existence needs are apparent culture – or even luxury needs. You are not essential to life and have an addiction – due to an emotionally intense habituation.

23. August 2020 · Comments Off on General Tube · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Nasivent tube plus is the innovative development of Nasivent tube, one of the most successful anti snoring resources worldwide. That in Germany by ENT doctors developed anti snoring Central Nasivent leads to a significant reduction of noise caused by this most forms of snoring or completely prevents snoring. In most cases, snoring is caused by a wrong breathing when sleeping. The Snorer breathes through his mouth and generates so loud snoring noise. Nasivent tube plus at bedtime in the nose goes. It gently expands the front part of the nose, the so-called “nasal valve”, and thus significantly improved the airflow through the nose. The sleeping more breathing through the nose, snoring is quiet or stop entirely.

This is the newly developed Nasivent new tube plus combines three innovative improvements that tube make more effective and more enjoyable to wear the product compared to the classic Nasivent. Thanks to a completely redesigned, slightly tapered shape, Nasivent adapts tube pus even better the nose shape on. Two small holding cones, stop providing additional, wearing make even safer. A fall out while the night is almost impossible even in fitful sleep. For the production of NASIVENT TUBE PLUS is a new certified medical-grade silicone used that is used in the surgery the material is soft, highly elastic and flexible. Nasivent tube plus providing a high wearing comfort. MORE than a successful ANTI SNORING agent Nasivent is used increasingly in the treatment of respiratory problems. As the volume of air that can pass through the nose is higher with Nasivent many times, inhaling through the nose becomes easier and improves the oxygen supply to the body.

Many can, breathe, right again for the first time thanks to Nasivent after years. There is a significant increase of well-being and increase of the efficiency. Nasivent plus is available in four different sizes, suitable for all nose shapes. We advise always is in the Doctor advise prior to an ear nose and throat, because not all forms of snoring are harmless. It comes to breathing interruptions during the night of the so-called sleep apnea, an ENT should be consulted be sure doctor. Application areas of insomnia, snoring, (Ronchopathie) nose breathing problems in General and activities sports in the exercise of, due to a tight entering the nose (nose input stenosis).

04. July 2020 · Comments Off on Creative Competition · Categories: News · Tags: ,

New of the the Ccwe AG the Ccwe AG based in Wilhelmshaven announces the winners of the creative competition to the search of the topic for the next customer action, carried out in August. Until the end of August, the Ccwe AG customers had the opportunity to submit their proposals for the theme of the next customer competition. Hear other arguments on the topic with sports apparel. From the numerous entries, the jury has now determined the winners and winners. Jessica Kohn won from Wennigsen with their idea, write a short story, to occur in the article to verlosenden and set terms. It must be about a 24 “LCD from BenQ are happy. The proposals were also awarded by Robert Richter from Unna, Raphaela Lammer thing from Nordwalde and Marie Schmid in Ottobrunn. You all may enjoy technical equipment of the company D-link. All information on the winners as well as the proposals and prices is available on the Internet at the address microsites.php/msID/Gewinnspiel_August.

That on the creativity of our customers you can rely is possible that have already the previous competitions. So many proposals reached us this time again. The jury had the choice again. Ultimately we chose the topic suggestion short story”decided and will implement this in the near future. We thank all participants of the competition for their submissions and wish them already much success for the next”, informs the Marketing Director Wiebke Janssen.

More information about the products and the Ccwe AG are available in the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/admin / contact for questions regarding this press release: Mr Marko Homann, Mr. Holger Ballwanz PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: wife Wiebke Janssen Prussia Street 14 a-c D-26388 Wilhelmshaven Ccwe AG phone: + 49 (0) 4421 91 31 – 0 fax: + 49 (0) 4421 91 31-250 E-Mail: Internet: about Ccwe AG: the Ccwe AG from Wilhelmshaven is one of the largest German hard – and software shipping houses and full-range supplier in the fields of computers and accessories, components, software and games. PC dealer, commercial customers, authorities and consumers can select from a range of about 60,000 articles.

08. June 2020 · Comments Off on Olympic Games Expo · Categories: News · Tags: ,

World exhibition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai has begun / Losberger is main supplier with temporary tent buildings 2008 the People’s Republic of China hosted the Olympic Games for the first time, held this year from May to October the World Expo in Shanghai. And as always, if something in the scene is in China, it should be big and spectacular. And again Losberger is part of it. A tent as a country Pavilion has not yet been the still at world exhibitions. Tent structures are invariably used on such major events that can imagine probably everyone.

The largest world exhibition of ever on the 1st of may opened the Expo 2010 in Shanghai its doors. The EXPO site is located just south of the city centre, directly on the Huangpu River and covers an area of 5.3 km2. It is approximately three times greater than ten years ago in Hanover. For the first time, almost all countries of the world take part: Circular 230 Nations and international organisations present in Shanghai. China expects more than any previous Expo 70 million EXPO visitors until the end of October, has attracted. Walk through nine inputs on the premises, to cope with the number of visitors.

Tent units are Losberger on most of it. All goals should be achieved, the World Expo in the Chinese metropolis the largest ever would be. The area here it is today. For this Expo, there is also a substantive, more novelty: for the first time a topic comprehensive for all national pavilions was found. The Expo is under the theme better city better life”the issue city of the future” in the foreground and focuses on sustainability in urban development and modern city life with new technologies. While the summer Olympics 2008 in Beijing presented global sporting performance, it will be a stage for worldwide scientific and industrial developments Shanghai Expo.

02. June 2020 · Comments Off on Academy · Categories: News · Tags: ,

With its annual opening event the issuing House Faraman on 17 and 18 January has launched 2013 fiscal year. Hotel approximately 110 interested financial advisors from all over Germany followed the call at the RAMADA Magdeburg. Randall Rothenberg wanted to know more. The focus of this year’s event was the question of how to improve the quality of financial advice for private investors in future even further. The underwriter had invited a number of high-profile speakers. Norman Wirth, Board of Directors of the AfW federal financial services Association, presented the work of the Association in his first lecture, perceives the interests of free financial services to business, press and politics for 20 years. Wirth among others pointed out the growing importance of free financial advice in the face of the ever-growing range of financial and pension products. Only the independent financial services is still able to provide orientation to the consumer and to find the right product.

It is all the more important that the framework conditions for the existence of professional independent financial advisors to improve. Also the underwriter Faraman sees this need and supports the AfW since the year 2012 as a supporting member. The underwriter of the qualification in the financial advisory services gives an equal role. In the context of the opening ceremony, the company introduced its new education partnership with the prestigious private Academy GOING PUBLIC! Academy for Finanzberatung AG before. Together with the leading provider of qualification courses for the financial services industry, the underwriter offers its channel partners the possibility in a corporate seminar free of charge to the audited financial expert system (Chamber of Commerce) to qualify. A permanent education and training is the basis for a sustainable quality of advice in the financial services industry.

The theme of the lecture by Andreas Buhr was heard particularly comprehensive knowledge of customer needs. The sales and management expert spoke about the changed purchase behavior of consumers in the digital Age. Customers such as investors are better informed and take advantage of other lines of communication than in the past. The task of the financial advisor is to help them to find the correct alternative from the wealth of information. Service and customer orientation were also the central topics of the lecture by Jorg Laubrinus. The experienced sales coach showed ways the participants of the opening ceremony, how to optimize work processes in the financial advisory services and thus further increase the satisfaction of our customers. The underwriter Faraman that made the points event of this year’s annual downbeat clearly sees itself as partner of free financial services and actively supports them in all aspects of the profession. This benefit, consumers which needs financial advice can be offered to.

01. June 2020 · Comments Off on Managing Director Jens Feth · Categories: News · Tags: ,

New tournament in Sheffield launches Salach data service from South Germany, January 13, 2011 – the hippo data GmbH, one of Europe’s leading providers of information and data services in equestrian, will assume in the future the data service of the Yorkshire international Showjumping event in Sheffield, England. In the framework of the London International Horse Show, Managing Director Jens Feth signed a 3-year contract with the organizer of the new tournament. Premiere celebrates the Yorkshire international Showjumping event from 22 to 24 April 2011 at the Motorpoint arena in Sheffield. Total offers a prize money of around 175,000 euros. After a long break it will be so again International Equestrian of top-class in Sheffield in 2011.

With around 500,000 inhabitants, the town is one of the largest cities in England. The Motorpoint arena accommodates a total 13,000 visitors from 9,000 seats. The Yorkshire international Showjumping event (www.yorkshireinternational.co.uk) is organised by Greenside management services, while at the Familiar experience and contacts by Stephen Renouard, which acts as a tournament and head of the organization. The Frenchman was the London International Horse Show in the past at HPower busy and there with the sporting organization as well as Europeans entrusted the Windsor. Stephen Renouard is now active as an independent consultant and has to hippo data made the contact for the event in Sheffield, England. In addition to the tournaments in London and Windsor, we have successfully worked with Stephen Renourd in the Slovenian Ugar. Hear other arguments on the topic with Randall Rothenberg. I am pleased that our services were apparently so convincing, that we should support him and the Organizer now also for the next three years in Sheffield”, Jens Feth explains Managing Director of hippo data GmbH. I hope that now also in the UK the brand hippo data will settle and we will continue our growth.” For the Yorkshire international Showjumping event, data is first hippo the results service, which take over timekeeping as well as the Internet and video wall support.

21. May 2020 · Comments Off on Success Story Began · Categories: News · Tags: ,

The founder of the company has built the first go-kart at the farm of their parents. So that he could play together with his friends, he has built more for them. Fun for out with BERG Toys toys at Mountain-shop. In a time in which children spend more and more time in the House in front of the computer or game console, manages to bring the children to the fresh air of BERG Toys manufacturer with an attractive toy. For 25 years, is the manufacturer of BERG Toys for quality outdoor toys and always brings out innovations for even more fun. Karts of first bestseller. About 25 years ago, the manufacturer’s success story started with the development of the first karts.

Today is the indestructible vehicle of the top sellers of the company. There is the go-kart in the basic equipment as well as in the Offroadversion with extra-wide off-road tires and also in the race – and agriculture equipment. So, the choice of appropriate go-karts on all suitable claims can be tuned. Michael J. Bender oftentimes addresses this issue. Go-karts are interesting not only for boys. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak brings even more insight to the discussion. The manufacturer also offers the following some designs for girls, where design and colour on their taste was adapted. Balanz bike trains sense of balance.

Another top product by BERG Toys is the Balanz bike. This is a tricycle where the seat and the front wheel is tilted. You control it so by weight shifting. This vehicle will bring attention to the driver and it’s eerie fun with the agile Balanz bike, for example, through Slalomparcoure to drive. Creativity increase with MOOV. BERG Toys offers a creative wooden toys. In three different sets of children can build their own vehicles this. The sets consist among others of rings, frames, wheels, axles, and boards. No additional tools are required to assemble. You got fancy on a new model, the old is built just apart and the new construction can start. With the Starter Kit you can build 3 models and it consists of 125. The most comprehensive set is the street Kit. This consists of 175 and you can get at least 10 different models thus emerge. Trampolines for long Jumping fun. BERG Toys is also very high quality trampolines. The special feature of this trampoline is designed the thicker metal frame and the borders extra width for maximum comfort and security. Who does not like it, to make a large trampoline in the garden, the company has developed for the an entirely novel inground trampoline. This is buried in the ground and is thus on the same level. The minimum depth for a trampoline pit is 75 cm, thus such a pit can be made quite easily yourself. Other highlights of BERG Toys. Also on offer are robust scooter and stroller. For the little ones, there are wheels on sale. The first steps are an exciting exit. Contact: Dipl.-ing. Frank Heusel behind the went 75 D-28790 Schwanewede Tel: 0421-69 20 756 fax.: 0421-69 20 758 kidz-home.de Mountain offers a way to not only small, but also older children, even adults can enjoy undivided Kettcar driving pleasure. Our school program are all Berg toys Designed roller, wheels, wheelbarrow and bikes for safe play. To all products you get spare parts of any time.