Then it is difficult, to place or to concentrate in one alone focus, therefore when it is said of inclusion, it is to comment a very including process, and that it does not possess end, therefore it is a subject that only now that the society is understanding the basic importance before the groups with especificidade. The people considered deficient together with the society must be if preparing, if bringing up to date, to be able to face together day the day. For this, Walnut (1994) if places pointing the way that the school can trace in practises with the inclusion, on respect, cooperation and solidarity, and this perhaps can be one of the parts keys so that if it develops a chain and it ramifies this aspect in the society. FINAL CONSIDERAES We could verify with this study that, the pertaining to school physical education can be worked and be planned as inclusion form. We notice that the professors possess the theoretical knowledge on this possibility, but they do not accomplish, and they justify it that not the use of the inclusion in the grating curricular of the physical education if esbarra in the inadequao of the physical space and lack of appropriate material. Continue to learn more with: sports apparel. We also observe, difficulty of the professor in using possible adaptations to include all the pupils. This already was waited for lives deeply practises that I got throughout the life. The majority of the professors always works, every year, soccer, voleibol, and basketball and generally in form of competitions, placing to edges of the pertaining to school physical activities. In the licenciatura and literature, in if treating to the objective of the school on the development of the child with or without necessities special, it must be prioritized the basic activities and the work in group., in order to develop the capacities of the children and the respect to the diversity.