28. May 2013 · Comments Off on Form Children Winners Learn · Categories: News · Tags:

How to form successful children, it is a work to which every parent should commit themselves, with the firm intention of improving the quality of life of each of our children. Many parents leave their children to their fate, sometimes the lead of uina superficially, which brings as a consequence that the child develops with doubts, concerns and find somehow the answer to all this through friends, which leads us to the conclusion that not going to be the best advice those who receive. To form successful children, it requires the commitment and dedication of parents, it is a commitment that we must meet to help our children perform personally. Hablamso that most of the habits are acquired within the family, by such raxon, commits us as parents, study a little and prepare us much to share with our children the best education. There are different customs and philosophies to educate our children, however anyone who is your belief, education, or habit, it is important that mentions your children what Next: 1.

think big changes the beliefs of your children, in how to succeed, to earn money, to get the opportunities that apparently are reserved for a few. Ensenale to think in big .to who starts his quest to find the true purpose of his life. What do you like .with that identifies more. Is it because you feel passion..? 2 Plan of action once you have already identified it, design a plan of action together… Write goals and clearly defined objectives.

22. May 2013 · Comments Off on Civil Code Laws · Categories: News

How many laws do we have in our country? Who can say even knowing half? Does what consequences that proliferation of standards with regard to democracy, institutions, human rights or development? Key questions these! Nobody knows how many laws exist in our Republic. Much less, no one will know how many legal rules are in force in Colombia. Moreover, the vast majority of citizens, including lawyers, don’t know, even, how many species of legal rules exist in our normative pyramid! Perhaps for that reason, all legal systems are based on the big lie, contained in the principle of: standard it is said to be known. Ignorance of the law doesn’t excuse, says our Civil Code, following the Latin tradition. It could not be otherwise, because admitting otherwise would give the fret with the rule of law itself. And the previous justification must add that of the immense amount of existing standards.

Quantity bordering on abuse and the disrespect! As there are so many rules, it is necessary to assume absolutely, without being able to prove otherwise, that us them all know! (presumption of law). This is known in the modern world as legislative inflation. (The most expressive say legislative diarrhea!). Precisely, it is called inflation because it produces the same consequences as the monetary: depreciated. Among more quantity of circulating standards less value have them, they are less appreciated, and cheaper. Also this phenomenon resembles any of the excess vehicles on our streets: cause exaggerated con, make us curse, irritate us, trying to pass above the sardinel. But by more desperate the long row does not flow. The same happens with excess standards: deadlock institutionality, raises transaction costs, efficiency makes it impossible, collaborates with corruption (laws excess corrupts the Republic, he said Tacitus), slows down development and makes you lose credibility in the democratic system.

Solutions? To the President of the Congress of Guatemala a sui generis occurred to him: a Commission of notable Jurists proposed to revise all laws of that country, to effect a selection to make the Congress repeal the inappropriate, in the opinion of that Committee, or those in conflict with other laws. Rather, regulating with another law legislative excess! It would be too much, isn’t it? But definitely the topic should be treated sooner or later our State. No doubt the similarity of this solution with that of the economy: increasing the banking lace, for example, to reduce the circulating medium. In the discussed case is necessary to reduce the number of standards and prevent future proliferation of them, starting with the constitutional. But we can’t stop there. It is necessary, above all, to strengthen and modernize our administration of Justice, giving it new powers for the interpretation, and agile mechanisms integration and application of law. It is necessary, also, to be resourceful in the adoption of new procedures to resolve conflicts and, finally, is forced to introduce legal education of our children.

16. May 2013 · Comments Off on Help Children Deal · Categories: News

According to lawyers, psychologists, educators and other professionals who are dedicated to addressing the difficulties of divorce in the world, the former spouses of several countries demonstrate its readiness to attenuate the difficulties for children due to his divorce. A relevant fact in this aspect is that, according to the book between two worlds: the lives of children of divorce, Elizabeth Marquardt, Interior even in friendly divorces, children suffer more isolation and feelings of being divided between two families. However, there are those who do not agree with this assertion and say that it would also be more appropriate to make a comparison of: how would things for the children of a divorce if their parents had not been married. Despite this, the author of the book think that parents with moderate conflict (without violence, insults, etc.) should go ahead. When the parents get married, your task is first to cope with conflicts.

When parents get divorced, becomes the work of their children give meaning to the two worlds, adds. Techniques so that the children overcome divorce strategies to help children overcome divorce include interactive Web sites where parents communicate among themselves and discuss through written messages. One of the pages is OurFamilyWizard.com, created in 2001 and serves to discuss scheduling and costs of education of children, for example. It includes features that allow you to apply for exchanges of days with children and maintain a log of expenditure. This site is used by more than four thousand parents, with up to 150 new accounts each month, according to its creator Paul Voler.

Another strategy are classes taught by Jayne A. Major, at Los Angeles parent educator and who receives people sent by the family court. Major teaches the program of innovative offspring, that teaches couples separated or divorced to minimize their conflicts. Husbands and wives often attend different sessions, in which highlight unpleasant aspects that arise within the marital discord.

10. May 2013 · Comments Off on The Development · Categories: News · Tags: , , , ,

The curriculum as a project can not take into account all the factors involved in the educational field and should not supplant the initiative and responsibility of teachers, but you can take into consideration information on the origin and the nature of the place where it is applied; Unfortunately, the curriculum applied in primary education is not as flexible plan and study programmes provide an annual calendar of 200 working days and that is imposed by the Secretary of education, and carefully monitored and sanctioned by the same, besides that in subjects and hours of each one of them is duly assigned for each one they, by what would talk of a rigidity in the educational system. Applied to the elementary school curriculum is not flexible but rigid, since we understand by flexible that combination of studies with work in the educational process stays, i.e. an alternate education or a system dual which seek methodologies, strategies and curricular teaching to articulate content, theoretical and practical; Let us remember that there must be a link in the relationship between curriculum, the cultural environment and the geographical environment, because the latter as key elements for new curricular transformation proposals, must be incorporated from this point of view, is that it must be noted that changes in the curriculum are based on the growing social needs, since the development of the industry, science and technology have brought about changes in the various social sectors as for example the workforce affected precisely because of these advances, because these give guideline to a variation in employment opportunities, but above all to a framed competition thus requiring curriculum that can be handled at any educational level is modified for these new demands of our modern society, becoming a curriculum with a view to be more flexible, however this still does not happen at all in the educational field. .