29. September 2014 · Comments Off on Salesiano College · Categories: News · Tags:

It decided, therefore transferiz it for the Salesiano College of Recife. Little time if delayed in Brazilian Venice the romantic student, who, saudoso of certain young that leaves in the Barbospolis, ran away for here. Not conformed, the zealous father it decided then to direct it for Rio De Janeiro, from where, certainly, it could not run away so easily. The devaneio of it was, however, stronger. Wax time, disfarado in cripple, penetrated in the one bilge ‘ ‘ Ita’ ‘ that it was here of exit for Aracaju and arrived in port in romanesca trip. After such failures, the undeceived father in insisting did not liven up itself if the Press consecrated the son and dealt with conduziz it Mercury. Thus decided.

The Joo took Jose Ribeiro to work in the balcony of the fabric store that had in society with Gervsio Souza. But what! The youngster all devoted to the things of the aesthetic one, is not born exactly for occupations that it seemed so prosaicas. The disfigured commercial employee alone showed to the clientele what more knot could discourage it business. Person without illusions August Jose Ribeiro to see to tread it the ways that lead to the richness, nothing remained it seno the conformation with what they had determined the fados ones. Joo passed then to give itself exempts integrally and to the necessities of the art. However, always rebellious, never another orientation was subordinated to any seno to that they dictated the muses to it of its inspiration.

Its commitments in art substance had only started to be with the aesthetic one in the way or form for conceived it. The MAN AND ITS SOUL Freire Ribeiro contained in itself a possante brain and an immense heart. He never felt himself threatened by the victories of who wants that he was; to envy age a verb that wise person not to conjugate in the active voice.

28. September 2014 · Comments Off on School Of Needlework. Lessons Knitting. Getting · Categories: News · Tags:

With 70 years of last century, knitting in our country is widely spread, it became fashionable. Our modern clothes easy, harmonious, convenient and easy, and usually the same type. But, being engaged in hand knitting, we can make it original, fashionable and beautiful. When in your wardrobe will be practical, flexible, nemnuschayasya related knitting or crochet clothes you can wear it on weekdays, and on vacations, and special occasions. Crocheted shawl, scarf, jacket, sweater, hat, lace trim, belt and other items that complement your clothing ensemble, will make it more interesting and attractive. For many women, interest in knitting is not only an opportunity to create something new, original, but often with the modern pace of life and nervous tension, and the need for a carefree holiday, which promotes a uniform rhythm of knitting.

In buying art crocheted will help you a series of our Articles for beginners. We will talk about what materials and tools should be used in crochet and knitting, how to prepare materials for use as, if necessary, can be dyed yarn and chemical natural dyes and many other things. Thus, a set of loops of the initial series. Knitting pattern or any product begins with an initial set of loops. The next series is already the beginning of the figure and is considered the first. Often, the first you perform a pattern provyazyvayut two preparatory series. To set the initial number to measure out the thread about three times longer than the width vyvyazyvaemogo cloth and put it on the thumb and forefinger of his left hand so to the short end lying on his thumb, and the thread from the coil – on the index. Both strands presses the palm of the other three fingers.

Put together two spokes are imposed on the filament, which lies on the thumb and forefinger, and pulls it down so that the thumb was as if in a loop, this loop, we introduce the spokes, slipping on the thumb upward. Movement from left to right and top to bottom grab lying on the index finger of the thread and pull it down again through the loop on the thumb. Thumb take out of the loop, a loop enter it between the forefinger and the short end of the thread and put aside (divorce thumb and forefinger) pulling the short end of the wire and securing the spokes formed by two loops. Re-enter the spokes under the short end of yarn through the loop formed around the thumb and grab the thread with the index finger. So we collect all follow the loop, making sure they are not too tight. After earning a starting number, right hand gently take out one of the spokes. Hinges are ready for knitting pattern.

24. September 2014 · Comments Off on Physical Education · Categories: News · Tags:

The inclusion does not take care of only the children with deficiency, but also the excluded ones or discriminated how many times in classrooms when organizing works in groups, the girl gordinha or the black boy had been isolated for the colleagues? in the lesson of Physical Education, how many they had been ignored by not being exmios players? The discrimination does not occur only between students, many times the evaluations serves more to see who if it incases in the standards of ideal pupil of what to measure the progress of each one. We can conclude exactly, observing that the modern time has witnessed a movement in the recovery direction and valuation of the identities of the people in its different aspects, cultural, historical, religious and physicists. The recovery and the valuation of the identities are a rich and beneficial process that can give to the people most sensible its existence and to open way for new conquests. Nowadays the special Education is understood as the education modality that has as objective to break the barriers that hinder the child to exert its citizenship, when if the first thought speaks in benefits that the inclusion brings, that appears is of that the people with deficiency have more possibilities of if developing, but in the truth all gain when exercising the tolerance and the respect, is needs to have contact with these children to see that difficult not to deal with them, the children also perceives how much it is necessary to observe and to respect the necessities of the friends. One of the great solutions Schools to be able them to work with the inclusion are the partnerships and thus to guarantee a good attendance, normally in the normal schools they do not exist specialized attendance, but all the children with deficiency frequent specialized institutions that work in partnership with the schools. .

15. September 2014 · Comments Off on Effective Key Points · Categories: News · Tags: , , , , , , ,

Hello and welcome my dear entrepreneur. On this occasion we will discuss some important points about the multilevel or network marketing, the problem of all entrepreneurs and solutions. If it is true that part amount of the success of a Networker is have a team with a good Marketing strategy. That is what happens in Marketing MultinivelTradicional? Maybe you also happened to you who in your group had the classic exit strategy from the list of 100, to distribute at least 100 flyers and talk to 10 people of business and product (do not say this does not work, simply is that can be done in a way more intelligent and effective). and later, even before seeing results you were going to an event, everyone is excited and salian saying now if had found the method as the llevarian to the maximum level and complicit what we had already done and copiabamos what expocitor had said that the you had operated. This course, which instead of bringing closer us to our goals the only thing that happened is that us away, that after a time regresabamos to the basic and once more to begin again. What is It makes marketing MLM or network marketing business. Far from being something new, it is a concept adapted to the multilevel, I am speaking of the already famous attraction Marketing.

Your strategy has to be based on the two main problems of the MLM (which I already talked in a previous article and here extendere theme). Generate interested people or prospects. For this part you can do a combination of the traditional MLM and the new MLM of attraction, this is prospecting Offline effectively and intelligently and prospecting on the Internet similarly effective and intelligent, this occasion will explain only the online method. For this is essential to have some tools such as: A Blog, an autoresponder and a system of automatic prospecting, without these tools it is practically impossible to have an effective strategy. I say goodbye and wish you the best.

14. September 2014 · Comments Off on Infantile Education · Categories: News · Tags:

Between the four and twelve months, many times if extending for a bigger period, the child uses chupeta (peak), if grasps to a diaper or the one piece of blanket or still to one bichinho of pelcia or cloth, puts the fingers in the mouth, produces sounds and if it becomes attached strong to these objects. They remember Zavaschi, Brunstein and Costa (2001), that Winnicott (1983) called such transicionais facts of phenomena or objects. They would be forms of defense against the anxiety of separation of the mother or against the depressive ansiedades. Such objects, sounds or sensations represent the mother, lived deeply object as good, which the child if becomes attached intensely. The child will have the impression of that she protects it to the object, if moves, it of the heat, possessing more qualities of what these objects really have.

That is, these objects possess the qualities of its mother, of care and protection. Approximately around the thirty and six months of age, the baby already inside possesss of itself the base for its future relationships. The symbolic capacity of the child, in full outcrop, still needs the parental look, but now, of intense form. The language determines a great change in this aspect of the emotional life, since it provides to the children a new way of expression of its feelings, contributing for a sensible reduction of the open expressions of clera and of I cry. (COLL, 2004) the PROCESS OF ADAPTATION To the SCHOOL OF INFANTILE EDUCATION Exactly that the mother has that to divide its ' ' function materna' ' about other people, it is worried about the cares physical, affective and desenvolvimental of its children. When entering the school, the child, mainly when if she deals with child of little age and that she enters the Infantile Education, finds a new world, with very different environment and people of those where she was accustomed to be: classroom, teachers, other children, shouts, choros, collective disputes of toys, snacks.