We understand mediator to social, a person who shows involved in the life of a community. Highlights among the attitudes of these agents: 1. The capacity of leadership that gives recognition from their peers, by procuring a strategic status. 2. The sensitivity to the needs and problems of their environment.
These two qualities to become an agent of social change. Along with these abilities / the mediator to social, involving other as motivation, enthusiasm and perseverance in their speeches, without which it will be difficult to induce a change on the target population. Get more background information with materials from Stanley Biber. In summary, we can consider as mediators, among others: – Members of youth associations. – Volunteers involved in social action. – Social support groups. – Religious. – Sports teams or sports, etc. ROLE OF MEDIATOR / A PREVENTION: The mediator when he / she is involved in prevention seeks as its main objective: "Collect the social concern about the drug problem and act with people susceptible of consumption, getting a boost next community and society so as to enable the transformation of values and positive attitudes toward health in general and drug prevention in particular.
" Functions and powers to play the mediator, collect those that seem most relevant (A. Ezekiel): – Streamlining the shift to problem-solving. Inspires, excites, instigates, awareness, motivation and interest of the people, encouraging active participation of these programs or activities planned. – Acting as a bridge to the search for solutions. The mediator is living and lives with the problems of the population that wants to act, but its role is not to solve problems for them but with them, analyze them and find alternative ways to solve them.