28. November 2019 · Comments Off on Central Europe · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Safely protected by the summer with Sun protection Varisol the Sun is shining from the sky, it drives us in the garden, on the terrace or the balcony. No doubt a wonderful weather, and especially when the temperatures climb still not quite so high on the thermometer it is very tempting to lay in the direct sun. However, this brings perils as: aggressive ultraviolet radiation causes fast painful sunburns. These heal but after a few days, but in the long run damage the DNA of cells and increase the risk of skin cancer. Also, eye damage and premature aging of the skin are also unpopular side effects. The explosiveness of the topic was even more evident when in April the German weather service with a warning that attention did, that the ozone layer over the North Pole has fallen heavily during the past winter. Now wander these ozone-poor air layers always back South towards Central Europe in the summer and bring an additionally increased proportion of UV in sunlight in Germany with it. Awnings as cool”UV protection for healthy skin is essential to a comprehensive sun protection.

Sunscreen helps of course, but it is not a panacea. A stay in the shadow of relaxed, however, thanks to cooler temperatures in addition and can be completely switched off. Varisol has a variety of Sun protection systems for enjoyable hours on the terrace and balcony. For example, the use of open and semi-open folding arm awning is in weather-protected locations such as generous balcony ledges. Here is not a complete ummantelnden awning box, which creates a particularly attractive price-performance ratio. This weather protection is not given, you should put on Varisol box awnings: the closed cartridge made of robust aluminium cloth and technology during bad weather conditions are well protected is characteristic for this type. So the fresh sounds of the lovely awning cloth shine particularly long.

For homeowners with fixed terrace roofs the company a particularly clever solution on offer: mounted directly under the roof the terrace roof Interior shading of Varisol shields sun rays and prevents heat pent up. Practical elements for example for lateral use of terraces and balconies provide additional Sun, visibility and wind protection. The shade one however all have in common: with their high-quality towels from polyacrylamide, they reliably repel dangerous UV radiation. Acrylic awning fabrics filter at least 90 percent of UV radiation, for most designs, the absorption is even a whopping 95 percent and more. Incidentally, the same rule as in clothing applies to awning fabrics less amount of white has a fabric design, the UV filter is higher. With over 200 towel designs the matching can be at Varisol certainly for every taste found. So Sun protection is evident from its most beautiful side including a safe feeling.

28. November 2019 · Comments Off on Higher Intelligence · Categories: News · Tags: , , ,

It's good activates all the necessary receptors and saturates your body the necessary energy. Signet also good for the sensitive part of the human soul and is able to awaken all the best and worst of our emotions and vices. If properly compose it to its proper place, then we can forget about the hatred, vanity, gluttony, greed, and develop the courage, agility, dedication, because Ring this affects our intent. This is a perfect creation of Atlantis will help you in solving complex problems. Hear from experts in the field like NBA for a more varied view. Ring and Mark is very helpful in meditation, he as our medium communicates with Higher Intelligence. Try to listen to his voice, and you will hear the wisdom of the universe. Everyone carries a different energy, and not all of them far are positive.

There are people who have serious eye or evil thoughts. Hate her, they can set up on anyone. In this case, the Signet is very useful, because it is able to protect from any evil spirits, black magic, and Lessons from the (evil eye) and Curses different. Sign of Atlantis, made in the form of a medallion, protects the well from all the trouble, and at the same time is a powerful amulet created around human positive defensive stronghold. For more specific information, check out Doug McMillon. And most importantly, that this Ring, protects from exposure to bad places unclean. Good idea to hang this sign in crowded places. Stasis was there, it becomes easier to breathe and for the people it will be cleaner and healthier. Sign of Atlantis is located in wicked place neutralizes malicious forces and transforms them into positive energy.

28. November 2019 · Comments Off on NACSO Credit · Categories: News · Tags: , , ,

Having things distant from a credit report is just like the filing of a lawsuit. The Credito-reparacion organization is difficult inaccurate and negative items on your report of credit on behalf his. With a lawsuit, no one is extremely aware of what will be the result. Therefore, an organization of the Credito-reparacion is saying forbidden them will guarantee to drive these things removed. * Any organization of the Credito-reparacion will charge a monthly fee until a time monthly services are made. This is just like upfront setup fee mentioned above. One means to say whether a Organization of the credito-reparacion is an expert or not is try to resolve if they are a member of the National Association of credit (NACSO) services organizations. From their website: the National Association of credit services organizations members takes a very strict and rigorous process of use and registration to assist in the prevention of fraudulent activity through the services of the credit industry.

Standards of excellence NACSO Iran rather than the Credito-reparacion organizations act and touch on essential items for the honest growth of this industry. Move to the Web site NACSO and enter the name of the Organization of the credito-reparacion you are considering. If you are a member in the sensitive situation and they are displaying the seal of excellence from NACSO standards, then you must handle a reputable firm. Are you in credit prison? Boy, appears at times prefer. Perhaps you have experienced a loss of job, health problems, loss of business or a divorce.

The result was late payments or maybe a foreclosure or a bankruptcy. With 7 frames of ten years to have negative items away from their credit reports, positive feel as it condemns one when it comes to accredit the following such event. The results of the less than stellar credit are typically: * higher interest rates on mortgages, car loans, personal loans, and credit cards.** Higher insurance rates.

10. November 2019 · Comments Off on Executive Board · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Swiss Post solutions consolidated by a total of 40 companies of Swiss post from 16 countries who has Swiss Post solutions (SPS) as the group unit of Swiss Post with the support of the ec4u expert customer management consulting ag implements a complex CRM project. The ambitious strategic goal of the project was to consolidate the customer management by a total of 40 companies acquired by Swiss post from 16 countries to increase organic growth. This was, to creating a unified and universally accepted platform, target-oriented manages the entire sales cycle and has supplied the necessary processes, methods and tools. The solution has been designed on the basis of Oracle CRM on demand and 2011 technically completed after a one-year project period. Another year was required to achieve the necessary quality of the data and the trust of the staff, so that the PLC discussed the current pipeline from the CRM out Board for 2012 and the CRM as a basis for bonus-related objectives and measurements used. A marketing has been integrated in the strategic development of the CRM-platform automation tool (MAT).

It aims the demand generation and sales processes from a system to lead and control. By integrating CRM and MAT, a quantum leap was realized in this respect as that for both the sales and marketing measure and control. Among the key benefits of the solution, that today is a total overview of the marketing and the sales pipelines and all marketing channels and campaigns. SPS is thus able to define, how many leads are generated through which marketing channels and that it lead to a closed sale. Ambitious plans are associated. Because it is intended that the marketing generated a volume of leads and new business, is six times higher than the total marketing costs.

This goal has been achieved already this year, because in the current Forcecast it is exceeded by a factor of 0.5. Also have been for the Marketing executives defined measurable targets for the number of leads and their quantitative contribution to the sales pipeline. For other opinions and approaches, find out what CEO of e-commerce has to say. Among the other results of the project but also, who has succeeded through the integrated marketing and sales solution, to create a single forecast with all subsidiaries and business units. At the same time established a common understanding of marketing and sales, the result of a significant increase in profitability. Now measurable and transparent controllable marketing costs were reduced despite the significantly higher dynamics in lead generation. The sale gets only qualified leads, even the effectiveness of sales has grown measurably. Due to the successful realization of the project, the special prize of the jury as a groundbreaking international CRM project was awarded Swiss Post solutions on the CRM Expo 2013. Mr. Sandro Principe, head of strategic marketing and sales and member of the Executive Board of the SPS, accepted the award. The focus of the further development of the Solution will include an Outlook connectivity to facilitate work distribution; In addition, the integration of social networks is aspired. Also, SPS will deal with the mobile use of the CRM. Given the last rapid introduction process in the company and the concomitant changes for employees, however further innovations should be addressed carefully and very demand.

10. November 2019 · Comments Off on Spain One · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

In their heads is simply impossible, because it has a decisive role received education (case 2). And asi sea: will never get it because they will never try it. The fourth is in the treatment received by the industry by the General media. For a journalism that considers that you a good News is not news, it is absurd to try to differentiate the things: finds the impact, and this is served with the scandals. When emerged the first pyramid scams, during the 1960s and 1970s, the mass media were launched on all companies in the industry of the multilevel in search of blood. To not differentiate, and having so many people raving to the Multilevel (one moreover threatens traditional business of distribution and advertising, they saw threatened their income with such dangerous new trend)., reported for years that the pyramids are extendian by United States like locusts. And that message Calo in public opinion to such extreme that lasted until today, more than twenty years after the great witch hunts.

And is that no one has done more damage to the MLM industry (some very serious went ahead by the bad press), such as the Mass Media and the US Federal Administration. Persecution of pyramid scams has been since 1980s relentless, although paradoxically slinks them in the heart of the system the largest pyramid that we have known to date: the bar of Bernard Maddoff. The Fifth cause of ignorance will be the apparent similarity between pyramid schemes and multilevel negociso legitimate. As there are many sources to know to differentiate from one another, I am not going to enter into the theme, but in the case of Spain, I think it will suffice to say that our legislation recognizes marketing network or sale MLM as a legitimate form of Commerce in article 22 of the law 7/1996 of trade management retail, and establishes a clear distinction between this and sales pyramid, and not leaving any by both legal vacuum. And this is always something I say to the confusing but belligerents that come with his mouth full of pyramids: go to the juzgado de guardia and denunciation. Always respond me something of some legal gaps that don’t even know that they there (because they do not even know the law, before folding candles, charged that the pride of the idiot Yes.) In this sense, our law cannot be more clear, and would that be enough to silence many voices that unfortunately and due to their foolishness, won’t even sign it is the Council of Ministers in full. So, the main difference between MLM and pyramid selling is that the one is legal and legitimate, and this illegal. Don’t forget to leave your comments whenever you want it.

07. November 2019 · Comments Off on Feng Shui · Categories: News · Tags:

If you want to turn all his fantasies, listen to the experts. A competent designer will offer you different ways to plan, make a design project and make a well thought-out plan for repairing the apartment. Well, if you do not want to burden themselves with all sorts of repair difficulties, there are companies that can offer you a service to 'repair turn-key', ie take all of the problems associated with the repair, for themselves. After that you will pass completely finished apartments within a specified time. Planning – the maximum a significant component of which is necessary to remember before you start to repair. Flexibility, versatility and functionality are the main criteria when designing spaces. We can also take advantage of the wisdom of ancient China by applying their knowledge to design our living space. Create an environment for the principles of Feng Shui, on the one hand, allow the energy freely released, on the other hand, have the opportunity to feel good in the room.

All rooms in the house or apartment should be in harmony with each other for lighting, furniture and color of the walls. Furniture should not only to perform its core function, but also to meet your needs for aesthetics and wellness. Therefore, when choosing an interior does not necessarily follow trends. Most importantly ask yourself Is good you'll feel surrounded by this or that situation. The crown of all construction works are finishing work. On how professionally produced finishing work, both external and internal, how correct were selected quality materials of domestic and foreign manufacturers, independent atmosphere of comfort and cosiness in your house. Finishing work, which includes plastering, tiles, painting, glass, wallpaper work and flooring, are trailing in the whole complex construction. Furnish of apartments is different from the major repairs that do not need to dismantle old structures and coatings.

Finish basically does not affect redevelopment, which significantly affects the final cost of the work done. If you decide to redecorate the apartment, home, office, always try consult people who have already experience. Seek professional and listen to your inner voice. Create in your home your own unique environment, which will only reflect your state of mind, to promote peace after a hard work and protect you from the huge amount of stress present.

03. November 2019 · Comments Off on The Child · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

Parents only use time-outs. 2. Parents designate the child is not enough time-outs 3. Parents expect that during a timeout kid will behave quietly. 4.

Parents use a timeout as a deterrent or punishment. Applying time-outs properly, you gain control of their children. They again returned the check to his impulse, namely: to follow your leadership and cooperate. If you just give your child time-outs, not using all other methods of positive parenting, the effectiveness of own time outs will inevitably decline. Time outs should be used as a last resort or in those moments when you do not have time to consistently make the previous four steps of positive parenting. To achieve cooperation, it is equally necessary, all five steps of positive parenting.

If a kid just laughs and ignores your needs, so you do not control. Sometimes parents come to the conclusion that the timeout does not work because the next day a kid again out of control. These parents think if the use of time-outs of their child should do to stop struggling and are always willing to cooperate. Timeout does not break the will of the child and does not make him humble. It strengthens the will of the child, and awakens his desire cooperate. Some parents simply misunderstand the purpose of time-outs. They believe that the child must sit quietly and relax. Timeout is needed is for the kid that he felt and let the negative emotions – and these parents are convinced the child .Taym-out provides results precisely because the child has the opportunity to resist.