12. June 2020 · Comments Off on Aboriginal Education · Categories: News · Tags:

The necessity of the pertaining to school education, hojeadmitida and demanded for the indians, is fruit of the aboriginal global perception. Before, education in the tribe was only exclusively, the transmission of the hereditary conhecimentosculturais, currently, the necessity to learn what before eraapenas the education of ‘ ‘ civilizados’ ‘ it comes if becoming essential. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak will not settle for partial explanations. The relation decontato, with the too much societies, lost the ameaatria connotation and to assumiucarter indispensable for survival of the tribes in the age of> globalization. Previously, the isolation geogrficopropiciava the social isolation, today, with the technological development, ainformao surrounds the world, and it does not have as to deprive the aboriginal people doconhecimento and of its right the participation in the world-wide scene. HISTORY DOPROCESSO OF ABORIGINAL EDUCATION the education produzidapara the aboriginal possesss an widely excellent description, that left of umcarter obligator, for, recently, assuming right character. Deum is fruit intense process of valuation of the aboriginal, a time that, was to necessriopercebermos that, to educate formal and scientifically the indian, it does not become necessary despiz it of its cultural habits or to move away them from partner-space seusvnculos and yes, to unite its place of origin, its conhecimentosprvios and a scientific position. The education for the aboriginal alone if carries through efficient demaneira and real bilingual and it will have been about intercultural way. Pertaining to school Aeducao must service of protection to the indian, in 1910, ese extends to the politics of education of the FUNAI maneiraa to promote in the tribes, the perception of the importance of if knowing the education dascincias..

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