04. June 2020 · Comments Off on American Advances · Categories: News · Tags: ,

How to compete with the numerous subsidys of the American government to its maize harvests? In 2007, the biocombustibles took a third of these cultures in the USA. This competitive fever is due to include/understand within the framework of the new geopolitics that it is approached. " Who they have everything will leave ahead. Who they have few resources will have a future negro&quot very; , it affirms to Paul Kennedy. The forests are even disappearing before the advance of the harvests, as it happens to part of the tropical forest in Indonesia, Malaysia, some zones of Africa and in Brazil. Without counting the damages of an intensive agriculture that is exhausting grounds and reducing surface destined to the food production for million human beings. The biocombustibles are taken off their disguise between the crescents critics towards an untenable solution. Its image at first had good welcome to the heat of the fight to improve the environment, although they have turned out not to be as clean as it seemed.

In fact, one is speculation with a great potential of imbalance. great future in this idea. The panorama is not so different from the present one, in which petroleum plays an important role in the international sand. The unique thing that it changes is the products that are had in hand, that in this case is a vital sustenance. To invest more in renewable energies it will alleviate the contamination but it will not solve the basic problem either: a demand energetics that advances more express than the rate to which we solved the problems derived from it. By very clean that is the solar energy or the Aeolian one, he would not be sustainable to invade the territory of solar panels or wind mills to satisfy this more and more insatiable appetite. The key has to do with adapting the growth of the consumption to the advances in the effectiveness to produce energy. Jorge Planell Journalist ccs@ solidarios.org.es Original author and source of the article.

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