10. May 2020 · Comments Off on Basic Education · Categories: News · Tags:

Basing on these critical managements public had elaborated instruments better to visualize the reality of the education its lacks and necessities, with the had raised elements it facilitates to the stipulation of objectives and goals to be reached. In this context the Inep? National institute of Studies and Educational research Ansio Teixeira created the Index of Development of the Basic Education (Ideb), that it points in the evaluations and average the Pertaining to school Census the pertaining to school flow and of performance, presents if as an important element in the search for an education of quality. It is in this Index I even so raise that Palms capital of the Tocantins if have detached, either the capital youngest of Brazil, has made correct investments that give good results, having shown this in the certain way for the development of the good education, serving of example for public administration. Michael J. Bender does not necessarily agree. Development Critical is common to the public managers when they act of conflicting form with the moral and legal lines of direction for management, the collection for the good administrative behavior is doubtlessly one correct position of the society, supported for the medias, considering the obligation it people to watch over for the good applicability of the public resources and to opt to leaders who have a probity behavior. Remembering to a thought of the master biggest Jesus Christ, answering to the group of fariseus and herodianos that had asked to it if he was allowed to pay to the tribute Cesar, said: ' ' You show here the currency to me of the census. they had presented them a money. For even more details, read what Samuel “Sam” Mikulak says on the issue. Jesus said to them: Of who it is this image and registration? They to it had answered: Of Cesar. Then Jesus said to them: Therefore from there Cesar what he is of Cesar, and the God what he is of God. .

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