In Cordova, in the past centuries and until beginnings of the present, they were very in fashion the combats of dogs. They were as the fights of roosters, an inherited tradition of the time of the colony that was ingrained strongly in this province. In their borders all the week ends were realised fights of dogs, in which great bets became. For these combats a mixture of the Spanish Mastn was used, with Bull Terrier, when not the Bull pure or mixed Terrier with the English Bulldog. There was also at the beginning of the century a certain infusion of blood of Boxer, or German Bulldog as therefore it were called to this noble race. Of that mixture of blood one went forming by natural selection, the type of " dog of pelea" , that we will call " Old Dog of Cordobs" Fight;. Animal of extraordinary value and resistance for the combat, died fighting, never avoided the fight, but sense of smell and speed lacked and their ferocity towards to their same types made them useless for the hunting, since they were fought among them and was impossible to hunt with two or more, and less in pack. But this primitive race had in himself two original and essential qualities: an excellent ancestral inheritance (Mastn, Bull Terrier and Bull Dog) and the great functional gymnastics, since the robust combats to that they were put under of generation in generation, were increasing more and more their original bravery. In the formation of the race, we have used as it bases, the Old Dog of Cordovan Fight, to which it has been added in different families to avoid the consanguinity, the Great Danish Arlequn or Dogo de Hulm, to give a raised major him, Bull Terrier, Bull English Dog and Boxer, to increase its value, resistance and tenacity in the fight; the Mastn of the Pyrenees that gave size, rusticity him and affirmed the white mantle, giving him also to force and adaptation to all the climates, typical in this mountain race; the Pointer that mainly gave to sense of smell and the venteo him, that allows the Argentine Bulldog to arrive directly at the returned prey taking the wind and not giving after the sign like the Wolf Hound, that has to him dice raised speed and.