28. November 2019 · Comments Off on Central Europe · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Safely protected by the summer with Sun protection Varisol the Sun is shining from the sky, it drives us in the garden, on the terrace or the balcony. No doubt a wonderful weather, and especially when the temperatures climb still not quite so high on the thermometer it is very tempting to lay in the direct sun. However, this brings perils as: aggressive ultraviolet radiation causes fast painful sunburns. These heal but after a few days, but in the long run damage the DNA of cells and increase the risk of skin cancer. Also, eye damage and premature aging of the skin are also unpopular side effects. The explosiveness of the topic was even more evident when in April the German weather service with a warning that attention did, that the ozone layer over the North Pole has fallen heavily during the past winter. Now wander these ozone-poor air layers always back South towards Central Europe in the summer and bring an additionally increased proportion of UV in sunlight in Germany with it. Awnings as cool”UV protection for healthy skin is essential to a comprehensive sun protection.

Sunscreen helps of course, but it is not a panacea. A stay in the shadow of relaxed, however, thanks to cooler temperatures in addition and can be completely switched off. Varisol has a variety of Sun protection systems for enjoyable hours on the terrace and balcony. For example, the use of open and semi-open folding arm awning is in weather-protected locations such as generous balcony ledges. Here is not a complete ummantelnden awning box, which creates a particularly attractive price-performance ratio. This weather protection is not given, you should put on Varisol box awnings: the closed cartridge made of robust aluminium cloth and technology during bad weather conditions are well protected is characteristic for this type. So the fresh sounds of the lovely awning cloth shine particularly long.

For homeowners with fixed terrace roofs the company a particularly clever solution on offer: mounted directly under the roof the terrace roof Interior shading of Varisol shields sun rays and prevents heat pent up. Practical elements for example for lateral use of terraces and balconies provide additional Sun, visibility and wind protection. The shade one however all have in common: with their high-quality towels from polyacrylamide, they reliably repel dangerous UV radiation. Acrylic awning fabrics filter at least 90 percent of UV radiation, for most designs, the absorption is even a whopping 95 percent and more. Incidentally, the same rule as in clothing applies to awning fabrics less amount of white has a fabric design, the UV filter is higher. With over 200 towel designs the matching can be at Varisol certainly for every taste found. So Sun protection is evident from its most beautiful side including a safe feeling.

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