Immersion in each task, algorithms, generation of an action for each task, the solution of similar jobs – all this has helped create a situation of success. Telecommuting stimulates cognitive activity of students. Distance learning for students – a great opportunity not only to deepen their knowledge, but also the skills of information and communication culture. – Svetlana, we know that the distance education system – new for Russia. As far as she is popular? – Distance education – is not a craze, and requirement of the modern world that exists in cyberspace. Every day our children falls upon the flow of information, which should deeply reflect on, analyze and draw correct conclusions.
Any myths about distance education, the irony and skepticism about him related to psychology. Conservatism – is a global philosophical problem. Clash of old and new, familiar with the unfamiliar, the violation of "unshakable" traditions – all this has repeatedly happened in history and still is. In countries where distance education is already well developed at the beginning of the path also were distrust and skepticism, and irony. Nevertheless, common sense wins here. Speaking of distance education, we mean a completely different educational technologies. Compare methods of teaching in the internal version and the remote is not quite correct. A part of the myth is just due to the fact that people unconsciously (or very conscious) attempt to reconcile their traditional ideas about educational processes with the new realities. It is obvious that in the coming years telecommuting form will gain popularity.