The Consumerism and the Consumerismo Antonio Padilha de Carvalho I can buy an car, go to shopping or not take an ice cream. Awnings our acts are consequences of ours exempt will. When I decided to buy that object, will be that I did not finish falling in some ambush them marketing messages which we are displayed diuturnamente? When acquiring the cited product I did not make it with intention to obtain ‘ ‘ felicidade’ ‘ proposal for the propaganda? We are receiving of announcements very elaborated well by regally paid professionals, to convince us of that the satisfaction is in the things. Then which is our attitude: we only finish acquiring objects to see if the announcements are true in its messages. Of this form, the call is born consumption society that has as characteristic basic: It offers exceeds the search, what it implies the use of the strategical resource of the propagandas, in order to make to drain the production; In this society of it offers of normalized goods, the products are manufactured the low costs that result of production in series, attractive and of ephemeral duration, therefore the necessities to produce and to flow off are permanent;
From there to need always to be touching the furniture, the cellular ones, the computers and etc, exactly for the fact to be produced to last little time, here it is the phenomenon of the planned obsolescence. ‘ ‘ To the times, the marketing professionals deliberately introduce the obsolescence in its strategy of product, with the objective to generate a lasting volume of sales reducing the time between successive purchases. An example could be of a machine to wash clothes, that are deliberately projected to leave to function five years the purchase after, being compelled the consumers to buy another machine for next the five 2 years In a highly competitive industry, this strategy costuma to be risky because the consumers can buy machines of the competing manufacturers.