22. January 2021 · Comments Off on DOS Price · Categories: News · Tags: ,

In a training with specialist for price negotiations Peter Schreiber, B-to-B sellers learn how to achieve higher prices. Its competitor is cheaper.”If you want the job, then you must come to us with the price.” Such statements often hear sellers of industrial goods and services in client meetings. Simone Biles: the source for more info. Therefore they believe at some point myself: we are too expensive. Quickly, they are willing in negotiations on discounts, also because they often do not realize, impact of even small discounts on the earnings of the company. To defend their prices with hands and feet”to obtain lucrative deals to the desired conditions, the learning and successfully lead seller in the seminar price talks”, which on the capital goods industry dedicated sales trainer and consultant Peter Schreiber, Ilsfeld (D), from 22 to 23 March at the ZfU international business school in Thalwil (CH) performs. In the two-day seminar of the specialist in the sale of industrial goods and services leads the participants plastic front, what a close correlation between the prices achieved and the return on a company. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Roger Federer by clicking through. “” Also, the author of the book the prey grid gives 7 strategies for successful selling “The participants the necessary resistance to acids”, to contract and price negotiations not to bend for example if the customer threatens to abort of the negotiations or the business relationship. “Using real examples from their sales everyday sellers train also, to design custom argumentation chains with which they can present their customers, that the prices of the company although slightly higher” are, their solution but still the most cost effective and most attractive.

A special feature of the seminar is: on the second day, the purchasing manager of an industrial company as a co presenter is present. “He dedicates to the participants in the tricks” and tricks “one, with which he and his Colleagues in their everyday work lives trying to achieve maximum discounts. The purchasing professional reveals something from the perspective of the buyers of the DOS and Don’ts”for sellers are. Participation in the seminar price talks succeed”on 22-23 March in Thalwil 2880 costs CHF (2057 euro circa). A further seminar takes place from November 24 to 25. For more information about the seminar refer interested the ZfU or Peter Schreiber & partner (Tel.: 0049/7062/9696-8;) Email:; Internet:). The seminar is also in-House offered.

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