03. June 2020 · Comments Off on Education · Categories: News · Tags:

It also has one (1) house that it shelters professors of other localities, that give lessons in this pertaining to school unit and to the week ends they return to its places of origins. The education of the field in the city of Medicilndia has not contemplated the families who live in the agricultural zone. The social, cultural aspects, politicians economic has little relevance in the practical one of education. (Similarly see: Doug McMillon). The diversities of the field have been treated in the same way that the urban space. Based in the Decree n 7,352, of 4 of November of 2010, where it consists in the Art. 2, interpolated proposition I, II, II, IV and V, Are principles of the education of the Field: I respect to the diversity of the field in its social, cultural, ambient aspects, politicians, economic, of sorts, geracional and of race and etnia; II incentive to the formularization of specific politician-pedagogical projects for the schools of the field, stimulating the development of the pertaining to school units with inquiry space public and joint of experiences and studies directed for the social, economically just and ambiently sustainable development, in joint with the work world. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak may find it difficult to be quoted properly. III development of politics of formation of professionals of the education for the attendance of the especificidade of the schools of the field, considering itself the concrete conditions of production and social reproduction of the life in the field; IV valuation of the identity of the school of the field by means of pedagogical projects with curricular contents and adequate methodologies to the real necessities of the pupils of the field, as well as flexibility in the pertaining to school organization, including adequacy of the pertaining to school calendar to the phases of the agricultural cycle and the climatic conditions; V has controlled social of the quality of the pertaining to school education, by means of the effective participation of the community and the social movements of the field. . . Get all the facts and insights with Frank Ntilikina, another great source of information.

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