24. September 2021 · Comments Off on Education Award · Categories: News · Tags: ,

“Make with the gigantic competition: who is Germany’s Excel Pro?” Do you like puzzles? You are interested in the topic of education? Then we have something for you, namely the mystery surrounding the 2008 “. Learn what exactly is hiding behind it, if you solve the puzzle. And if you have fun doing it: follow the first traces as once Sherlock Holmes and you get the solution step by step closer to today. “Here, the first tip is the same: it is all about the issue of competence through education”. Do you have appetite on it? Here we go! You have cravings for a giant Excel competition and are curious, who gains the prestigious Education Award. Maybe you or one of your employees? You will be by 2008 “magnetically attracted and would actively participate as contestants. Win the first prize? For 2008 the idea of “good enough to eat and order the Excel main dish. A challenge of the extra class. We have with this list on the right track? We have your appetite on the 2008 “wake up? For those, whose Sherlock-Holmes-Spurnase was awakened, You solve the riddle is the name to know.

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